
UCX Call Center Reporting

This functionality is not supported on the Galaxy Mini hardware platform.

Chapter 1 – Introduction

What is UCX Call Center Reporting?

UCX Call Center Reporting is a monitoring and reporting system for the UCX Call Center.

The software allows you to obtain reports about your call center activity, divided and filtered by queue, agent and date/time period, showing you in detail the workings of your call center operation.

Call Center Reporting requires the Queue Report (QR) License to be installed before it can be used.  First obtain the license and then install the license code using the following steps:

Install Queue Report (QR) License

  1. Open UCX Administration
  2. From the System tab, select Licenses
  3. From the left side column, select Enter License
  4. Copy the entire license string provided by E-MetroTel in the License String field and press the Save button to activate the license.

Install the Software Package

  1. Click on the Accessories tab
  2. Locate the Call Center Reports package and click on BUY.

NOTE: You will need to login to your user account.


With UCX Call Center Reporting you can see:

  • Answered calls
  • Unanswered or Abandoned calls
  • Agent Logins/Logouts and Pauses
  • Call Distribution per different criteria: queue, time and date ranges
  • Realtime view of queues and waiting calls

Reports can be generated while the call center is operational. You can see what is happening in real time with virtually no delays. Data can also be exported to comma separated files (.csv) or PDF documents.

It is possible to create users with restricted permissions. You can grant access to specific queues or agents for your call center supervisors or users.


By default, queue information is never deleted. This is by design to allow the generation of consistent historical data for call center reporting. However, it is possible to schedule regular cleanup of aged reporting data for Queue, Agents and Records data through the use of the Automated Cleanup feature.

Please DO NOT reuse extension numbers for call center agents. The correct way is to assign previously unused extension numbers to new agents.

Consider this scenario, agent John Doe was using extension 2222 from January 2017 to June 2017, he left and was replaced by Jane Smith and the same extension 2222 was assigned to Jane. If the name associated with 2222 is changed to Jane Smith in call center reports, then any report spanning the time period January to June 2017 will show Jane Smith instead of John Doe. It will not be possible to generate reports to accurately show John Doe and Jane Smith over that time period.

Chapter 2 – Requirements

Installation Requirements

The UCX Call Center Reporting package is a UCX add-on that can be purchased from an authorized E-MetroTel reseller.

Client requirements

UCX Call Center Reporting is a web based application, which means there is no need to install any software on the client’s computer, except for an up-to-date web browser like Firefox or Chrome.  To see the interactive graphs you must have the Adobe Flash Player installed for your browser.

If you have Adobe Flash Player installed and still not able to see the interactive graphs, proceed to Chrome Settings > Advanced > Content Settings > Flash, configure the following:

  1. Allow sites to run Flash
  2. Disable Ask first OR add UCX server URL to the Allow list

Chapter 3 – Administration and Configuration

3.1 Accessing the UCX Call Center Reporting System

To view the UCX Call Center Reporting system, perform the following steps:

  1. Open UCX Administration
  2. From the Reports tab, select Call Center Reports
Figure 3.1: Call Center Reports Access

The Call Center Reports tab is only visible if the UCX Call Center Reporting package is installed.


Once you login to the UCX Server, the permissions assigned to your group will determine if you have access to the Call Center Reports. 

Users that belong to the Administrator group will have full access to all tabs under Call Center Reports.
Users that belong to the Supervisor group will have access to all tabs under Call Center Reports except for the Setup tab.
(See Users and Groups for details on how to assign users, groups and permissions.)


Agents and Queues become available the first time they are used. If the Agent or Queue does not appear, make an agent call and it should be available on the home screen.

3.2 Setup and Preferences

Setup tab allows you to select preferences and general configurations, like time periods in different reports, language, default disconnection times, etc.

Figure 3.2: Setup

The setup engine consists of a list of keyword-parameter-values entries. The main setup parameter should be set as the “keyword”. Some keywords allow modifiers, for example to set a specific language or time zone per user, the parameter should be set to that user name. Finally the value for the keyword, depending on the type could be a free text value, or a zero or one to turn the feature off and on respectively.

For example, to set the user John to english language, and the user Maria to spanish, and the default language to english, you should have three entries:

Keyword:  language
Parameter:  john
Value:  en


Keyword:  language
Parameter:  maria
Value:  es

Keyword:  language
Value:  en

agent_row_colorTo paint the whole cell background to the status color for an agent, set this to 1. If turned off, only a small rectangle with the same color will be displayed.
alarm_hold_durationAlarm in seconds for wait time in queue in realtime view. Can be set per queue.
alarm_last_callAlarm in seconds for last call taken by agent, also for the realtime view. Can be set per queue.
alarm_pause_durationAlarm in seconds for pause duration by agent for the realtime view. Can be set per queue.
alarm_wait_countAlarm (in number of calls) for calls waiting in a queue.
alarm_wait_thresholdThreshold (in percentage) from which to start coloring in alarm calls.
asterisk_12Set it to 1 if you use Asterisk 1.2.X. It will make the realtime page work.

Dialplan context where to send coach calls.  It must be similar to this one (if you use Agent type channel you will need to change SIP to Agent in the ChanSpy call):

exten =>  _X.,1,ChanSpy(SIP/$ \{EXTEN},w)
exten =>  _X.,2,Hangup

To customize the background colors of agent statuses in the realtime view. The supported keywords are:

color_agent_unavailableAgent is logged out and unavailable
color_agent_busyAgent is available in busy state handling a queue call
color_agent_dialoutAgent is available in busy state handling a call outside of queue(s)
color_agent_ringingAgent is available in ringing state
color_agent_availableAgent is logged in and available to accept calls
color_agent_not_readyAgent is logged in but not ready to accept calls

The parameter field must be left blank, the values are hexadecimal RGB values or valid HTML color values. See figure below for an example.

Figure 3.3: Customizing background colors of agent statuses

count_transfers_as_connectedCount transferred calls as connected/answered when doing percentage calculations in the distribution reports. Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
csv_separatorSeparator character to use in CSV files. Default value is ‘;’. If you need to use ‘,’ set this value.
custom_pausesIf value is set to 1, the realtime page will check the ASTDB for PAUSECUSTOM family and it will show the pause code stored there for a particular Agent as stored in astdb Key. Eg: PAUSECUSTOM/1000 = Break:$ {EPOCH} stored in ASTDB will show Agent 1000 as break when paused, since ${EPOCH}.
default_end_hourDefault end hour in HH:SS format for the date/time selection in the Home tab.
default_start_hourDefault start hour in HH:SS format for the date/time selection in the Home tab.
dict_agentDictionary entry for Agents. It will replace the agent set as the parameter to the value you specify (So you can use names instead of interfaces).
dict_queueDictionary entry for Queues. Same as the agent dictionary, but for replacing queue names.
distribution_intervalTime interval (in minutes) to be used in distribution per hour reports.
first_pageInitial page to load (Eg: answered.php, unanswered.php, distribution.php, agent.php). Can be set per user.
graph_sizeSet initial graph size in percentage. Default is 100%. You can reduce or increase the size by changing this value.
honor_timeframe_in_agentTo Honor time period when reports are shown in Agents tab. Valid values: true or false (In case of being in true, agents list will be shown using the 00:00 to 24:00 range, independently of the selection you have done in Home tab. This is used to avoid possible incorrect values of agents time sessions during the day).
ignore_none_abandonsIf you do not want to count for inbound abandoned calls when selecting some agents from a report, set this parameter to one. This is useful when you are tracking outbound campaigns and want to track performance per agent on outbound as it filters out the inbound abandoned calls that are assigned to the whole queue (agent NONE) and not a particular agent. If you select all agents for a report it will include also the NONE agent, so inbound abandons will count normally event if this parameter is set to one.
languageUsed Language. Possible options:en (english) and es (spanish). If it specifies a username as parameter, language will only apply for that user. If you want to create a language file, you must create inside html/lang directory a file, for example, de.php, based in some existing language, so you can specify “de” (deustch) in this setting.
minimum_abandon_durationMinimum time (in seconds) for a call to be considered abandoned. If it specifies queue name as parameter it will apply only for that queue. For example, if you put 5 as a value in that field, every 5 seconds or less abandoned calls will not be considered in the queue system.
no_animationSet this if you want to disable animations in flash charts.
realtime_refreshTime in seconds to refresh the realtime information. Default value is 5 seconds.
recordings_pathRecordings location/directory in the hardrive to perform the direct download or recording streaming.
shared_lastcallShare last call information for agents in all the queues (for the realtime page). Only the shortest time will be displayed. If tracking outbound calls and the astdb family LASTCALL is set, it will also read timestamp from there to account for them.
show_agent_callShow all call events when drilling down on agent reports.
show_agent_fieldShow agent column in outgoing reports (only useful when tracking outbound calls).
show_url_fieldShow the url field in answered reports. It will also add answered and unanswered reports by URL.
sla_intervalTime period (in minutes) to be used in Level Service reports.
spychannelChannel or device to use for spying/coaching, the parameter must be set to the stats user name and the value to the full channel name, like SIP/1234.

UCX context where to send spy calls, it must be similar to this one:

exten =>  _X.,1,ChanSpy(SIP/$ \{EXTEN})
exten =>  _X.,2,Hangup
timezoneTimezone Configuration for user, in the format [emetro:+-]HH:MM
wait_time_formatFormat for the wait time fields. HH = hours, MM=minutes, SS=seconds, mm=full minutes, ss=full seconds (default value ss)

When to start counting weeks from the year:

ModeFirst day of weekRangeWeek 1 is the first week
0Sunday0-53with a Sunday in this year
1Monday0-53with more than 3 days this year
2Sunday1-53with a Sunday in this year
3Monday1-53with more than 3 days this year
4Sunday0-53with more than 3 days this year
5Monday0-53with a Monday in this year
6Sunday1-53with more than 3 days this year
7Monday1-53with a Monday in this year

Chapter 4 – Usage

4.1 Report Selection

In the Home tab you set the initial filters on the reports: you can select the date range, time frame, queues and agents you want to report on.

Figure 4.1: Filters Selection

Queues and Agents filter

You can choose which agents or queues you want to report on from all of the available ones for the user you are logged in as (as configured in its user profile). This data is collected from the UCX queue log file, so you will only see queues or agents that had at least one call delivered to them. You can choose some queues/agents or all of them.

In the two selectors you can see a box at left with the available elements, and another at right with the ones that will be included in the report. It is essential to select at least one queue and one agent to generate reports.


After selecting the desired queue(s), you can press the auto_select button under the agents Selected column. The system will automatically select the agents that belong to the queue.

Filtering by date and time period

It’s also possible to select the date range and time frame. There are a number of shortcuts provided:

  • Today: actual day
  • This week: selects the week starting from last Monday
  • This month: selects from the 1st until last day of month.
  • Last 3 months: selects last 3 months, taking as last day the last day of the actual month.

Note that selecting a shortcut will only set the corresponding dates in the selection fields. To execute the report you must click the Show Report button.

You can also choose a date range manually from start to end, choosing any time period you like. The system will check automatically that selected dates and ranges are valid. In case of an error, the system will alert you or select the appropriate day number.

To create the report, you must press the Show Report button. After that you will be automatically redirected to the Distribution tab, or to any page that was configured as the setup parameter first_page from the Setup tab.

4.2 Reports Summary

Once filters and date range / time frame are selected, you will have access to the results tabs. There is a summary header that is common to all reports, with current report information including the analyzed queues, agents, the time period, start and end dates and total number of days included in the report.

Next to this summary box there is another one that varies slightly from tab to tab, including totals summary and important information for each report, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4.2: Reports Summary

After the summary information, the detailed reports are shown. They differ depending on the report type (tab) you are viewing. Each report has the option of being exported to PDF or CSV files, showing a link to each format at the bottom of each sub-section. In the upper part of screen you will see tabs for each type of report. There are four available, which are detailed next.


Every item in the right column that lists elements with a hyperlink lets you open detailed information (drill down) about each row. To export detailed information you must do it from the detailed report , like the 'Answered Calls Detail' or 'Unanswered Calls Details' reports.

4.3 Distribution

Here we can see the distribution of calls by different time periods or metrics. Call Distribution includes both Answered and Unanswered calls on its reports.

In the event that you configure the UCX for login and log out of agents you will also see the number of times the agents logins/logouts of the queues.

The Total Calls table at the top of the distribution page presents the following summary:

1Number of Received CallsThe total number of calls received by the queue.
(i.e. Line 1 = Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4 + Line 5)
2Number of Answered CallsThe total number of calls answered by agents and processed by agents to completion.
3Number of Abandoned Unanswered CallsThe total number of calls unanswered due to caller hanging up before any agent can answer the call.
(cause = abandon)
4Number of Other Unanswered CallsThe total number of calls unanswered due to all other reasons except abandon.
(cause = Exit with Key, Exit with Timeout, Exit Empty)
5Number of Transferred CallsThe total number of calls answered by agents and transferred elsewhere – i.e., transferred calls that are processed to completion outside of the queue

(See Unanswered section for description of the unanswered causes.)

Distribution per Queue

Report that shows call distribution (answered and unanswered) for each of the queues selected.

Figure 4.3: Distribution per Queue


The columns are the following:



QueueName of the queue, if clicked it will open a report (drill down) with all calls for that queue.
ReceivedNumber of received calls in the queue, it will count answered, unanswered and transferred calls.
AnsweredNumber of calls that were answered, including dispositions COMPLETECALLER and COMPLETEAGENT.
UnansweredNumber of unserved calls, including all possible dispositions (ABANDON, EXITWITHKEY and EXITWITHTIMEOUT).
TransfersNumber of transferred calls.
% AnsweredPercentage of answered calls for that particular queue. (%answered + %unanswered in the row should total 100%)
% UnansweredPercentage of unanswered calls for that particular queue. (%answered + %unanswered in the row should total 100%)
Average DurationAverage call duration on that particular queue.
Average WaitAverage wait time for that particular queue

By default, transferred calls are not counted as answered calls. So if you have many transfers you may think that the percentages are wrong.
Transfers are a 3rd category of call dispositions. If you do want to count them as Answered calls in the percentage calculations, you should add the count_transfers_as_connected keyword in the Setup tab.

Distribution per Month

Report that shows call distribution (answered,unanswered and transfers) grouped by month.

Figure 4.4: Distribution per Month

All Distribution by Time Interval reports have the same columns as the Distribution per Queue report with the difference on the first column which will display the time interval instead of the queue name, and with the addition of two new columns at the end:

  • Login: number of agent logins to system
  • Logoff: number of agent logoffs from system

These two columns will show information only if you configure dynamic queue members on your UCX system. If you use static queue membership they will be always zero.

Distribution per Day

This report will show distribution of calls by day.

Figure 4.5: Distribution per Day

Distribution per Hour

This report shows an hour-by-hour analysis grouping data by hour of the day.

While the report name indicates `Distribution by Hour`, the time interval can be specified in the Setup tab . If the distribution_interval setting is configured to 60 minutes, the cut will be done by the hour, but it is possible to specify 15 or 30 minute intervals, or any other value you choose (always in minutes). The system will use those time intervals to do the grouping and presentation for this report.

Figure 4.6: Distribution per Hour


This report’s fields are:



HourHour of the day
AnsweredNumber of calls answered in that hour
% answeredAnswered calls percentage in relation to the whole day (24hs.)
UnansweredNumber of calls unanswered in that hour.
% unansweredUnanswered calls percentage in relation to the whole day (24hs)
Average durationAverage duration of answered calls.
Average durationAverage duration of all calls
Average Wait TimeAverage wait time for all calls.
LoginNumber of agent logins
LogoffNumber of agent logoffs

This report includes several bar charts showing all above information, with average call duration, average wait time and relation between answered and unanswered calls.

Figure 4.7: Distribution of Ans/Unans Calls per Hour


Distribution per Day of Week

This report will group calls per day of week which allows you to see the number of calls handled for each day of the week (Monday to Sunday).

Figure 4.8: Distribution per days of week


4.4 Answered Calls

By clicking the ‘Answered’ tab you will be taken to a report which shows detailed information about every answered call. This tab includes several reports for answered calls, listed one after the other. There are also shortcuts just down the report tabs to jump to the appropriate report more quickly. Sub-reports for the Answered Calls tab are the following:

Answered Calls by Queue

In this report we can see all answered calls grouped by queue.

Figure 4.9: Answered calls By queue


There are 3 columns: the queue itself, the number of answered calls, and the percentage of answered calls for that queue in relation to the total number of answered calls for all the selected queues in the report. If you select just one queue the percentage will be always 100%.

It is possible to drill down on each queue by clicking on its name (orange links). That way you will open up another report with all the calls that are part of that grouped element, in this case, all answered calls for that particular queue.

Answered calls by agent

Figure 4.10: Answered calls by agent


This report will display a summary of all answered calls grouped by Agent. By clicking on each agent you can drill down and see the list of individual calls for that agent.

The columns are the following:



AgentName of channel/agent, if clicked it will open a report (drill down) with all answered calls for that agent.
CallsNumber of answered calls by this agent.
% callsPercentage of answered calls in the current selection. (Agent Answered Calls % Total Answered Calls)
Call TimeTotal accumulated time (in minutes) of all answered calls.
% Call TimePercentage of talk time in the current selection. (Agent Call Time % Total Answered Calls)
Avg Call TimeAverage call time for this agent. (Agent Call Time % Agent Answered Calls)
Wait TimeAccumulated wait time (in seconds) for all calls answered by this agent
Avg Wait TimeAverage wait time (in seconds) for all calls answered by this agent (Agent Wait Time % Agent Answered Calls)
Max Wait TimeMaximum wait time (in seconds) for that agent.

There are also interactive bar charts, showing accumulated time of answered calls by agent, number of calls, etc. If you mouse over the columns you can see some details about the numbers of calls.


Take into account that averages for call time and wait time are calculated based on that particular agent number of answered calls, not based on answered calls by all agents. The total number of answered calls is also limited to the queues and agents selected on a report, so if you select only one agent to report on, the percentages will be always 100% as the "universe" for the calls is limited to that agent only. This rule applies to every report on the system.

Service Level

This report shows the call distribution based on wait times, with time cuts at 15 second intervals. The interval can be configured in the Setup tab by setting the sla_interval keyword.

Figure 4.11: Service Level

You will see the number and percentage of calls answered within each time period. Delta column shows the additional number of calls compared to the previous time period. Each subsequent time period will total the previous ones, so you finally reach 100% for all calls. The numbers will grow step by step. So, in the delta column you will see the exact number of calls for that time period (for example, between 15 and 30 seconds of wait time), while in the percentage and number columns you will see the cumulative total up to that time period, including all the previous ones.

Disconnection Cause

This report shows the reason for call disconnect.

Figure 4.12: Disconnection Cause


Basically it shows us how many calls were ended by the agent, how many by the caller, and the number of transfers.

Answered Calls Detail

This report shows all answered calls in detail for the selected period, with no data grouping. You can also drill down on an individual call to see the complete call flow. From here you can also filter the results by callerid, by entering the numbers in the top right search box. You will also have links to download or listen to recordings if they are available and if they were setup both in UCX and in UCX Contact Center Reporting.

Figure 4.13: Answered Calls Detail



Report shows how many calls were transferred to each extension in the selected time range. This lets you visualize who is answering exception calls. Note: when a call is transferred, the system does not log the total duration of the call – it logs only up to the time the transfer took place.

4.5 Unanswered Calls

Unanswered calls are the ones that entered and exited the queue without being delivered to an agent. The possible causes are:

  1. Abandon – when the caller decides to disconnect because they don’t want to wait in the queue anymore.
  2. Exit with Timeout – when the system disconnects the caller for reaching the maximum waiting time that was setup for that queue (Max Wait Time)
  3. Exit with Key – when caller selected a valid option from the breakout menu configured for the queue (IVR Break Out Menu)
  4. EXITEMPTY – when the system disconnects the user when the queue is empty (Leave Empty)

Abandon Rate

This report is the counterpart of the Service Level report for answered calls. It will cut the report in intervals of seconds as defined in the sla_interval parameter, showing all calls that exited the queue in each time interval.

Figure 4.15: Abandon Rate


The delta value will show the number of unserved calls in that particular time interval, while the number and percentage will grow in each interval to reach 100% in the last interval. As with any other report you can drill down and see individual calls by clicking on the Unanswer column. When drilling down you will also see the actual disposition for every call, either ABANDON, TIMEOUT or EXITWITHKEY.

Disconnection Cause

This report shows unanswered calls grouped by disconnection cause.

Figure 4.16: Unanswered Calls Disconnection Cause

As mentioned before, there are 4 possible call dispositions for unserved calls.


  • Abandon: Caller hang up
  • Exit with Timeout: The maximum wait time was reached 
  • Exit with Key: The caller exited the queue by pressing an option from the breakout menu
  • EXITEMPTY: The caller exited when no agents are available to take the call

The Wait Time and Call Time for Abandoned Calls both reflect the amount of time the call waited before abandoning (i.e. they are the same value) whereas the Call Time for Answered Calls does not include the time the call waited prior to answering.

Unanswered calls by queue

In this report we can see the details for incomplete calls grouped by queue.

Figure 4.17: Unanswered calls by queue

If the report includes more than one queue it will be possible to see the number and percentage of unanswered calls per queue, accompanied by an illustrative chart.

Unanswered calls detail

This report will show every unanswered call in detail. It is possible to drill down on each one to see the actual call flow.

Figure 4.18: Unanswered Calls Detail

When you drill down to each call, additional information is provided for each event.

DIDDID number   
ENTERQUEUE Caller IDQueue position 
EXITWITHKEYKey pressedStart positionEnd position 
EXITWITHTIMEOUTStart positionEnd positionDuration in queue 
ABANDONStart positionEnd positionDuration in queue 
Figure 4.19: Unanswered Calls Event Details


4.6 Realtime

Data on this page is updated in real time, showing the current status of queues, agents and calls waiting. You can keep this page active in your browser to monitor all your queues and agents.

Queue Summary

This report shows the current status of each queue.

AgentNumber of agents assigned to the queue
BusyNumber of agents in the queue that are busy with calls
PausedNumber of agents in the queue that are in paused state
AnsweredNumber of calls answered in the queue
UnansweredNumber of calls not answered in the queue
Abandon RateNumber of calls in the queue that were abandoned
Avg WaitThe average wait time in the queue
Avg Durat.The average duration of calls in the queue
WaitingNumber of calls waiting in the queue
Max. wait timeThe maximum wait time (in seconds) of active calls waiting in the queue
Figure 4.20: Realtime Queue Summary

Agent Status

This report shows the current statuses of all agents in the queues. Each queue will have one table showing all agents in that queue.

Figure 4.21: Realtime Agent Status

If you select the Group Queues checkbox, all queues will be displayed in one table. Agents that belong to more than one queue will have the word “Multiple” in the queue column.

Figure 4.22: Realtime Agent Status Group Queues
Queue NameName of queue of the queue number that the agent is assigned to.
Agents who have multiple queue assignments will display the word Multiple(x) where x is the number of queues. When on an active call, the queue name will also display in the Queue Name column. Multiple queue status will appear after an agent has answered a call from more than one queue.
AgentAgent by name. The field color will reflect the current status of the agent.

Status description will change depending on status value.

agent-availableAgent is logged in and available to accept calls.
agent-not readyAgent changed his/her status to Not Ready.
ringingAn incoming call is ringing at the agent’s phone.
unavailableAgent’s phone is unavailable (not registered).
busy (queue call)Agent is handling a call received through a queue.
busy (other call)Agent is busy on another call (not received through a queue).
DurationDuration of the current call. If the agent is not in an active call, the duration shows 00:00:00.
Answered by DayTotal calls answered for the current day.
Answered by HourTotal calls answered since the top of the hour.
From QueueWhat queue the call originated from (if applicable)
Last in callTime since the last call taken by this agent.

Calls Waiting Detail

This report shows the details of calls waiting in queues.

Figure 4.23: Calls Waiting Detail
PositionPosition of the caller in the queue
CLIDThe Caller ID
Wait TimeWait time in seconds

4.7 Agent

If your UCX system is configured enabling agents to log in and out (dynamic queue membership, or by means of Agentlogin) then you would be able to see information about the duration of each agent session, and the number and duration of pauses the agent took. You can drill down on an agent to see the session details. If show_agent_call is set in the setup tab, then the details will include every call made for the agent.

Agent Availability

This report shows total length of sessions and total length of pauses taken by agents for the selected time period. Take into account that if you select more than one day, times for all selected days will be added.

Setting up the honor_timeframe_in_agent setting modifies this report behavior. If you set it to true, then out of range session periods will be excluded on the report total times. For example, if you show a report with a time frame from 10 to 18 hours, any session time outside that shift will be excluded/not accounted.

In the case that there is no event marking the start of a session for a particular agent, the system will count the session start from when the first call was answered by the agent. And if there is no session end event in the time frame selected, the end of the day or the end hour will be chosen as the session end. In any case when an event is missing, the system will compute a sensible value for it and it will mark them as COMPUTED.

Figure 4.24: Agent Availability Summary


Agent Session and Pause Duration

This report shows a more detailed cut of session times and pauses, including number of sessions and number of pauses with their respective average times.

Figure 4.25: Agent Session and Pause Duration Summary


Agent Dispositions

This report displays a summary of call dispositions grouped by Agent.

Figure 4.26: Agent Dispositions





Caller hangupCaller hung up the call (COMPLETECALLER)
Agent hangupAgent hung up the call (COMPLETEAGENT)
TransferAgent transferred the call (TRANSFER)

Ring no Answer

Agent missed a Ring to their phone (RINGNOANSWER). This metric could be used to measure how many times an agent was unable to pickup a call that was delivered by the queue system. This is not a “final” disposition, but intermediate status as the call will be presented to another agent. The other 3 dispositions identified are final. Therefore, you could have more Ring no Answer events than calls, as one call can be presented several times to various agents before being answered or abandoned.
