
Configuring External Storage for NAS

1. TCP port 111 is the portmapper.
2. TCP port 2049 is for NFS.
3. Buffalo NAS units do NOT support NFS.


  1. Logon to web console of SAN (Storage Area Network)
  2. Go to Control Panel
  3. Under Services, make sure NFS is enabled
  4. Go to Shared Folder
  5. Select or Create a Shared folder
  6. Edit Shared Folder
  7. Create NFS rule
  8. For Hostname or IP, put in the IP address of the UCX.
    If UCX is Cloud based:
    1. Ensure firewall forwarding rules for TCP ports 111 and 2049 are forwarded to the IP address of the SAN.
    2. Use public IP address of UCX

Set permissions as indicated as illustrated below.


  1. Logon to web console of SAN
  2. Go to Control Panel
  3. Go to Network Services
    1. Select NFS tab and ensure Enable NFS is checked
  4. Go to Shared Folder
  5. Select or Create a Shared folder
  6. Edit Shared Folder Permission
  7. For Hostname or IP, put in the IP address of the UCX.
    If UCX is Cloud based:
    1. Ensure firewall forwarding rules for TCP ports 111 and 2049 are forwarded to the IP address of the SAN.
    2. Use public IP address of UCX

Set permissions as indicated as illustrated below.


  1. Logon to web console of SAN
  2. Go to Control Panel
  3. Go to Network Services
    1. Select NFS tab and ensure Enable NFS is checked
  4. Go to Shared Folder
  5. Select or Create a Shared folder
  6. Edit Shared Folder Permission
  7. For Hostname or IP, put in the IP address of the UCX.
    If UCX is Cloud based:
    1. Ensure firewall forwarding rules for TCP ports 111 and 2049 are forwarded to the IP address of the SAN.
    2. Use public IP address of UCX

Set permissions as indicated as illustrated below.


  1. Logon to web console of SAN
  2. Go to Sharing
  3. Go to Unix Shares
    1. Click Add
    2. Type in path
    3. For Hosts, put in the IP address of the UCX. 
      If UCX is Cloud based:
      1. Ensure firewall forwarding rules for TCP ports 111 and 2049 are forwarded to the IP address of the SAN.
      2. Use public IP address of UCX

Set permissions as indicated as illustrated below.
