
Busy Lamp Field (BLF)

Feature Description

The Busy Lamp Field (BLF) feature allows you to configure a key to monitor another extension, answer a call ringing at the monitored extension and also dial the extension directly with a single key press.

XSTIM Phones

If you have an XSTIM phone, you can program a Ringing BLF or a Non-Ringing BLF key.

To have a visual indication only when extension xxx is ringing, configure xxxB in the Digits field and enter an appropriate Label.

To have your phone ring when extension xxx is ringing, configure xxxR in the Digits field and enter an appropriate Label.

Infinity SIP Phones

To configure a BLF key via the phone’s web interface:

  • Navigate to Function Keys -> Line Key page
  • Select Type BLF for the desired key
  • Enter target number in the Value field
  • Enter a Label
  • Select the Account
  • Click the SaveSet button
