UCX Administration
System – Users

Before adding a new user, you should create the extension that will be used by that user.

User List

The User List page allows you to view/change the list of users who have access to UCX Administration.


To add a new user, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Users.
  2. From the left side column, select Users.
  3. Press the Create New User button to open the New User page.
  4. Enter the login ID in the Login field
  5. Enter the user name in the Name field
  6. Enter the password and password confirmation in the Password and Retype password fields
  7. Select the group to which the user will belong using the Group drop-down list box
  8. Select the extension that belongs to the user using the Extension drop-down list box
  9. Press the Save button to create the user account


To modify configuration of an existing user account, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Users.
  2. From the left side column, select Users.
  3. For the user account you want to change, click on the user ID under the Login column to display the user account details.
  4. Update the configuration data for the user account.
  5. Press the Save button to update the user account.


To delete an existing user account, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Users.
  2. From the left side column, select Users.
  3. Select the button checkbox for the user and press the Delete User button. Confirm the request at the prompt.

Group List

The Group List page allows you to view/change the list of user groups, which are used to determine permissions for access to specific areas of the UCX Administration.

There are default groups of users defined:

  • Administrator
  • Operator
  • Extension
  • Supervisor

It is recommended not to delete any default group(s).

Each of these groups allows different levels of access to UCX Administration. These levels are associated with a set of GUI pages to which a given user will have access.


To add a new user group, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Users
  2. From the left side column, select Groups
  3. Press the Create New Group button to open the New Group page
  4. Enter the name and the description of the new group and press the Save button


To modify configuration of a user group, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Users.
  2. From the left side column, select Groups.
  3. For the user group you want to change, press the underlined group name in the Group column to display the View Group page with details about the user group
  4. Press the Edit button to open the Edit Group page
  5. Update the configuration data for the user group
  6. Press the Apply Changes button to update the user group


To delete an existing user or group, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Users.
  2. To remove a user, select Users  from the left side column.
  3. To remove a Group,  select Groups from the left side column,.
  4. For the user/group you want to change, press the underlined group/user name in the User List/Group List column to display the View User/Group page with details about the user/group.
  5. Press the Delete button to delete the user/group.

Group Permissions

The Group Permissions page allows you to view/change the list of GUI pages in the UCX Administration to which each group of users will have access.

To manage access rights for a user group, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Users.
  2. From the left side column, select Group Permissions.
  3. Select the Show Filter button.
  4. From the Group drop-down list box, select the user group you want to configure and press the Show button.
  5. Or enter a part or an entire Resource name if you want only specific resources to be displayed and press the Show button.
  6. Check resources that are to be enabled for the user group and press the Save Selected as Accessible button to save the configuration.

The permissions are organized in a hierarchical order. Click on the “+” or “” button to expand or minimize the list.


If access permissions are restricted at the parent menu level, then all modules under the menu are restricted, even if access is allowed at the lower module level.

Default Groups and Permissions

There are four default groups of users as follows:

  • Administrator (system administrators with full access to UCX Administration)
  • Operator (operators with access to areas used for monitoring and reporting of the UCX system)
  • Extension (telephone users with access to voicemail, call recordings and user configurable settings of their extension)
  • Supervisor (users who may not have an extension on the system with access to full CDR records, voicemail and call recordings but without the ability to delete any of them)

Each user group represents different levels of access to the UCX Administration Web Interface. These levels are associated with a set of menus to which a given user will have access. Additional user groups can be created with access levels different from the four default groups. Default access permissions for the four default groups are listed below.

  • Administrator:
    • All resources
  • Operator:
    • System Tab
      • Dashboard
      • Dashboard Applet Admin
      • Users
    • PBX Tab
      • Operator Panel
      • Voicemail
      • Call Recordings
    • Reports Tab
      • CDR Report
      • Billing Setup
      • Billing Report
      • Channels Usage
      • Destination Distribution
    • My Extension Tab
      • Settings
  • Extension:
    • System Tab
      • Users
    • PBX Tab
      • Voicemail
      • Call Recordings
    • My Extension Tab
      • Settings
  • Supervisor:
    • System Tab
      • Users
    • PBX Tab
      • Operator Panel
      • Voicemail
      • Call Recordings
      • Conference
    • Reports Tab
      • CDR Report
    • My Extension Tab
      • Settings
