E-MetroTel offers a number of a variety of delivery models to provide flexibility to our customer base. The customer ownership rights, license transfer rights, and the warranty and support mechanisms vary depending on the product delivery model used by the customer.
This document describes the ownership rights, license transfer policy rights, and the warranty and support mechanisms specifically for the License Based Delivery model.
License Based Delivery Model
In the licensed based delivery model, customers make an up front payment for the functionality that they plan to use and maintain warranty and support coverage through annual renewals.
The following products are included under the licensed based delivery model:
- UCX20
- UCX50
- UCX450
- UCX1000
- Galaxy 250 (UCX250)
- Galaxy 3000G (UCX3000G)
- Galaxy Mini
- Galaxy Express
- Galaxy Expand
Virtual Machines
- Hyper-V
- VMWare
- Amazon AMI
License Types
In the license based delivery model, the number of users and allowed functionality depend on the quantities and types of licenses purchased or provided to the customers. Some licensed capabilities are only sold as individual entities, while others may be included as part of a specific bundle of capabilities. Capabilities within the software running on the UCX system that are enabled through licenses are:
Device Connection Type | Basic | Standard | Universal |
FXS Dahdi Module (Galaxy Mini) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
FXS USB 8 Port Dahdi | Yes | Yes | Yes |
FXS16 (SIP Connection) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
DSM16p and DSM16 Module (All DSM16-supported Nortel, Avaya, Panasonic, NEC digital models) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Any devices connected via MDSE and MASE | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Any devices connected via UCX Digital Gateways (DGS, DGS2, DGE, DGEb, DGH, DGHb) | No | Yes | Yes |
Infinity 5xxx Phones | No | Yes | Yes |
Infinity 3065 Softphone | No | Yes | Yes |
InfinityOne Softphones | No | Yes | Yes |
Nortel Virtual Extensions | No | Yes | Yes |
Nortel IP Phones | No | No | Yes |
NEC IP Phones | No | Yes | Yes |
Panasonic IP Phones | No | Yes | Yes |
SIP (and IAX) Devices | No | No | Yes |
License Name | Galaxy Mini | All Other Platforms |
UCX Active Standby (for High Availability Cluster only) | N/A | Optional |
UCX Call Recording Storage Software | N/A | Optional |
UCX Contact Center Reporting | N/A | Optional |
UCX Enhanced Archive Server | N/A | Optional |
UCX External CDR Interface Application | N/A | Optional |
UCX G.729 Codec | N/A | Optional |
UCX Hospitality Management Interface, per Room | N/A | Optional |
UCX InfinityOne Wallboard | N/A | Optional |
UCX M1/CS1K analog station emulator (MASE) | N/A | Optional |
UCX M1/CS1K digital station emulator (MDSE) | N/A | Optional |
UCX Scheduled Announcements | N/A | Optional |
UCX TAPI Service Provider | Optional | Optional |
InfinityOne Video | N/A | Optional |
Ownership and Right to Use
Hardware/Appliance based systems (Galaxy):
Virtual Machine based systems (Hyper-V, KVM, VMWare, Amazon AMI)
Activation and Assignment
There are two distinct mechanisms for deploying licenses for new systems and adding additional licensed capabilities to a system.
Activation and Assignment Processes
E-MetroTel’s UCX software based systems are activated based on connecting the UCX software to the E-MetroTel Serial Number Management Tool, and associating a Serial Number within the UCX system to a licensed set of capabilities (either purchased individually or bundled with the base platform) on that tool. The activation process is also used to establish the Support Renewal Date. (See System Activation for details.) The activation of a system will automatically set the start date for the Support program, and the support renewal date will be determined and tracked by the E-MetroTel Serial Number Management system. Any subsequently purchased licenses that are assigned to that system will be automatically associated to the original activation date for warranty purposes.
Once a license has been activated those licenses remain with the system unless they have been transferred to another system in accordance to and within the limitations of the License Transfer Policy subsection of this agreement.
License Reduction Policy
Reducing the number of licenses on a system is supported. Note, however, that there is a commercial cost associated with a license reduction which is required to be completed before the licenses are removed from the system. Furthermore, once the license(s) has been reduced for a system they are permanently removed from the UCX software and must be repurchased separately following the standard commercial process. As noted above, the licenses removed from once system cannot be applied to any other system.
License Transfer Policy
Once a license has been activated on a customer’s system it is not transferrable to any other customer. In general, once they have been activated on a system, licenses are non-transferrable to other systems except for the conditions identified below. Note that only licenses purchased as separate items, i.e. not bundled with base hardware, will be allowed to be transferred. This includes 8 port licenses that in the past have been bundled with platforms such as the Galaxy 250 (or the UCX 250), the 32 extensions bundled into the Galaxy Mini, and any of the extension bundles previously coupled with the UCX20.
All License Transfer requests are required to be reviewed by E-MetroTel prior to being granted. E-MetroTel reserves the right to approve, deny, or revoke License Transfer requests based on each particular customer scenario.
License transfers between systems require that both systems must be at the same software release level.
Supported License Transfer Scenarios
1. License Transfers between two E-MetroTel provided hardware/appliance platforms.
When customers are refreshing their hardware to either the same hardware or one of increased capacity/capabilities, any serial number tracked assets are transferrable to the new hardware.
As noted above, any licenses that were pre-installed in system will not have a serial number associated with them and hence they are non-transferrable. For example, the 32 Standard extension licenses included with the Galaxy Mini base system, the 8 Universal licenses included with the Galaxy 250, or any of the extension bundles combined with the UCX20 are non-transferrable.
2. License Transfer upon Equipment Failure
In the unlikely event of an equipment failure on a hardware or appliance system which requires the system to be replaced all licenses will be deemed transferrable based on the scenarios listed below.:Note that the same rules applies for equipment that has been identified by E-MetroTel as Manufacturer Discontinued and the customer is transitioning to a new hardware or appliance system.
- If the hardware is under active hardware warranty and active Software Subscription Support Services from E-MetroTel, a license transfer will be provided at no cost.
- If the hardware is under active hardware warranty but is not under active Software Subscription Support Services from E-MetroTel, a license transfer will be provided at no cost once Software Subscription Support Services have been re-activated.
- If the hardware warranty has expired and the system is under active Software Subscription Support Services from E-MetroTel, a license transfer will be provided at no cost.
- If the hardware warranty has expired and the system is not under active Software Subscription Support Services from E-MetroTel, a license transfer will be provided at no cost once Software Subscription Support Services have been re-activated.
Transfer scenarios that are not supported
- License Transfers between two customer provided Virtual Machine environments
- License Transfers between a E-MetroTel hardware or appliance to a Virtual Machine
- License Transfers between a Virtual Machine and a E-MetroTel hardware or appliance
- License Transfers between a E-MetroTel hardware or appliance to a Cloud system
- License Transfers between two Cloud systems
- Individual extension licenses or subsets of a block of extension licenses from one machine to another
Software Subscription Support Services
E-MetroTel products use a combination of E-MetroTel’s proprietary software, firmware and hardware, as well as open source software to deliver a value-added set of unified communication capabilities to our customers. As with any other business product keeping a unified communication platform up-to-date with access to on-going support is critically important to maintaining overall business continuity. E-MetroTel’s Software Subscription Support Services are provided as a means of ensuring that customers have access to the latest software and firmware updates to protect against ever evolving security threats to any of the software and firmware components used in our products to minimize the potential risk to our customer operations and data. E-MetroTel will work remotely with customers that are under an active Software Subscription Support Services to resolve issues related to our equipment and software to ensure timely return to your normal operation. E-MetroTel also provides enhancements to feature operation and even new features on a continuous basis; customers under active Software Subscription Support Services are able to update their systems with these capabilities on either an on-demand or scheduled basis. Furthermore, subscribing customers are entitled to receive major software releases if available for their particular hardware or appliance which can then provide access to additional new functionality. Active Software Subscription Support Services is also required in order to be able to add additional licenses or to be eligible for any of the conditions of the License Transfer Policy noted within this document.
E-MetroTel’s Software Subscription Support Services also provide access to continual integration of updates to any open source software that is integrated into the overall E-MetroTel product offerings. E-MetroTel tests and verifies the proper operation of new updates to the open source software to limit the possible impact on our overall product operation while providing the latest security updates and feature fixes and enhancements delivered by the open source community are available to our customers. If, as part of the integration and testing of those open source updates, E-MetroTel finds issues with their operation or the ability to properly integrate with our own proprietary software or other open source packages used in our product, E-MetroTel will resolve the issues with the open source software prior to delivering to the customer, and subsequently deliver any resulting fixes in the that software to the open source community.
Software Subscription Support Services are available with different response parameter-based Service Level Agreements (SLA) and include Standard, Premium, Premium Plus offerings.
Software updates to the UCX product are delivered on a regular basis via an Internet connection, therefore access to the internet is required. Provisions for systems that cannot be connected to the internet for updates to be updated manually are possible if they are covered by a Premium Plus support subscription.
Note that support is provided based on the expectation that the customer maintains an adequately provisioned and properly configured voice and data network infrastructure with compatible interfaces and services for the E-MetroTel system(s) to properly operate within. When support is provided to resolve or attempt to resolve issues that are clearly due to inadequately or improperly provisioned customer network infrastructure, E-MetroTel may deem the support as a billable service.
UCX Software Licensing Agreement
UCX Software is a licensed product (whether provided under the CAPEX or OPEX licensing model) that includes individual packages distributed under their own licenses.
Packages distributed under GNU GPLv2 include:
Packages distributed under paid commercial licenses include but are not limited to the following:
- UCX XSTIM Channel Driver
- UCX Digital Gateway
- UCX Media Gateway (MDSE)
- InfinityOne Software
- Infinity 3065 Software
- Infinity XSTIM firmware
Voice prompt files distributed for use with UCX authorized products and solutions are Copyright(C) 2016 Crystina Wyler and E-MetroTel Global Inc. The terms of the license agreement is provided in a separate document attached at the bottom of this page.