
Galaxy Appliances – Quick Start Guide

1. Introduction

Thank you for purchasing the E-MetroTel appliance with UCX software. The UCX appliance provides software-based PBX interworking with XStim, UniStim, and SIP phones, offering a complete Unified Communications set of capabilities as well as legacy investment protection to existing Nortel and Avaya deployments while providing a seamless evolution to a rich call service environment.

This quick start guide provides you with the information needed to install the UCX out-of-the-box, configure it to a running state and configure phones to perform a call using UCX. 

2. Connecting to the Network


Note that UCX software and Galaxy hardware does not support 10 Gigabit network interfaces. Connecting the system directly to a 10 Gigibit Ethernet network interface may have severe implications on the proper operation of the system.

2.1. UCX20 (discontinued)

The UCX20 is shipped with a single Network Interface Card (NIC).

The network port on UCX20 by default uses the static IP address, with netmask and gateway192.168.1.1.

If the default network configuration is compatible with your local area network, connect the Ethernet connector of the UCX system to your network with a Cat 5 Ethernet cable, configure your PC’s network adaptor to use the subnet, power up the UCX system and wait approximately 100 seconds for the UCX system to boot. For connection using Gigabit Ethernet we recommend a Cat 5E or Cat 6 cable!

If the default network configuration is not compatible with your local area network, you may connect the UCX directly to a PC with a statically configured IP address from the subnet using a Cat 5 Ethernet cable (either straight through or cross over), power up the UCX system and follow the instructions for Changing the UCX Network Configuration.

2.2. UCX50E (discontinued), UCX450 (discontinued), UCX1000 (discontinued)

The UCX Server is shipped with two Network Interface Cards (NICs).

The Ethernet ports are labeled T-LAN and C-LAN.

The C-LAN port on UCX systems by default uses the static IP address, with netmask and gateway

The T-LAN port on UCX by default uses the static IP address

If the default C-LAN configuration is compatible with your local area network, connect the C-LAN Ethernet connector of the UCX to your network with a Cat 5 Ethernet cable, configure your PC’s network adaptor to use the subnet, power up the UCX and wait approximately 100 seconds for the UCX Server to boot.  For connection using Gigabit Ethernet we recommend a Cat 5E or Cat 6 cable!

If the default CLAN configuration is not compatible with your local area network, you may connect the UCX directly to a PC with a statically configured IP address from the subnet using a Cat 5 Ethernet cable (either straight through or cross over), power up the UCX Server and follow the instructions in section 3.2 Changing the Network Configuration.

2.3 Galaxy Mini (discontinued), Galaxy 250 (discontinued), Galaxy Mini V2

The Galaxy Mini, Mini V2 and Galaxy 250 devices are shipped with two Ethernet network interfaces, labeled “LAN” and “WAN“.  The WAN network port by default uses the static IP address, with netmask and gateway192.168.1.1, and is configured as Ethernet 0 in the Web-based Configuration utility.  The LAN interface is default as static and is, and is configured as Ethernet 1.

If the default network configuration is compatible with your local area network, connect the WAN Ethernet connector of the  system to your network with a Cat 5 Ethernet cable, configure your PC’s network adaptor to use the subnet, power up the Galaxy Mini system and wait approximately 60 seconds for the system to boot. For connection using Gigabit Ethernet we recommend a Cat 5E or Cat 6 cable!

If the default network configuration is not compatible with your local area network, you may connect the Galaxy system directly to a PC with a statically configured IP address from the subnet using a Cat 5 Ethernet cable (either straight through or cross over), power up the Galaxy Mini system and follow the instructions in section 3.2 Changing the Network Configuration.

2.4 Galaxy Pro

The Galaxy Pro devices are shipped with 3 Ethernet network interfaces, labeled “ETH0“, “ETH1” and “ETH2“.  The ETH0 network port by default uses the static IP address, with netmask and gateway192.168.1.1.  The ETH1 interface by default uses static IP address

If the default network configuration is compatible with your local area network, connect the ETH0 Ethernet connector of the  system to your network with a Cat 5 Ethernet cable, configure your PC’s network adaptor to use the subnet, power up the Galaxy Pro and wait approximately 60 seconds for the system to boot. For connection using Gigabit Ethernet we recommend a Cat 5E or Cat 6 cable!

If the default network configuration is not compatible with your local area network, you may connect the Galaxy system directly to a PC with a statically configured IP address from the subnet using a Cat 5 Ethernet cable (either straight through or cross over), power up the Galaxy Pro and follow the instructions in section 3.2 Changing the Network Configuration.

2.5 Galaxy Expand (2930 or i5 Processor Card)

2930 Processor Card

The Galaxy Expand configuration with the 2930 Processor Card has two IP addresses, one configured to access via the front panel (labeled ETH) and the second one connecting through the Galaxy Expand backplane and reachable by connecting to either of the switch ports on the SFS (Switch Fabric Card) labeled ETH1 or ETH2.

The network interface connection on the Galaxy Expand backplane, referenced as Ethernet 0 in the UCX software, by default uses the static IP address, with netmask and gateway The ETH connection on the front of the 2930 card uses the static IP address, and is referenced as Ethernet 1 in the UCX software.

i5 Processor Card

The Galaxy Expand configuration with the i5 Processor Card has three IP addresses, two configured to access via the front panel (labeled WAN and LAN) and the third one connecting through the Galaxy Expand backplane and reachable by connecting to either of the switch ports on the SFS (Switch Fabric Card) labeled ETH1 or ETH2.

The connection on the front of the labeled WAN, referenced as Ethernet 0 in the UCX software, by default uses the static IP address, with netmask and gateway The other connection on the front of the i5 Process card is labeled LAN and has a static IP address of, and is referenced as Ethernet 1 in the UCX software. The network interface connection on the Galaxy Expand backplane, referenced as Ethernet 2 in the UCX software

3. Accessing the Web-based UCX Administration

  1. Launch a browser and enter the UCX IP address.
  2. Login using default factory credentials:
    • Username = admin
    • Password = emetr0tel (please note that the ‘0’ is a numeric zero)

3.1. Changing the Default Password

To prevent unauthorized access to the management interface of your UCX system you should change the default management password as the very first step in the initial configuration of the system.


When you login for the very first time, the Web-based Configuration Utility automatically directs you to the View User page on Users panel from the System tab and prompts you to change the default password of the admin account. Consequently, on a first login, you may skip steps 1-3 below.

To change the management password of your UCX system, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Users
  2. From the left side column, select Users
  3. Press the underlined user ID admin in the Login column to display the View User page with details about the admin account
  4. Press the Edit button to open the Edit User page
  5. Enter the administrator’s name in the Name field
  6. Enter the old password in the Old Password field
  7. Enter the new password in the Password field and the Retype password field
  8. Press the Apply Changes button to save the updated configuration


If you do not change the default management password, you will not be able to access the Web-based Administration remotely.

3.2. Changing the Network Configuration

To use the UCX system on your LAN, you have to set its network configuration to match your network. You should update some or all of the following properties:

  • IP address and subnet mask
  • Host name
  • Default gateway
  • DNS server(s)

To access the network parameters for your UCX system, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Network
  2. From the left side column, select Network Parameters


3.2.1. Network Parameters

To change the host name, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Network Parameters panel, press the Hostname link.
  2. Enter a fully qualified domain name for the UCX system (e.g., – or UCX50.localhost if you do not want to use a fully qualified domain name for the system)

This is the domain name of your  UCX system, not the domain name of your company. For example, DO NOT enter ""

Press the Save button to update the hostname configuration of the UCX system.


3.2.2. Interface Parameters

To change the IP address and subnet mask of your UCX system to match the customer network, perform the following steps:

  • From the System tab, select Network
  • From the left side column, select Network Parameters
  • There will be one or two devices listed on the page, click on the first interface device (Ethernet 0) to view its properties.
  • If the Interface Type is Static. You have to specify the IP address, the Network Mask (subnet mask) and optionally the Gateway address.

If you choose to use Interface Type DHCP for your UCX system, you will need to plan your network carefully, please see Deployment in a Network for details.

  • If your router can relay DNS requests, specify the IP address of your router also in the Primary DNS field. Otherwise, enter the IP address of your preferred DNS server.
  • You can set the Secondary DNS field to your preferred secondary DNS server or you can use the public DNS server as the secondary DNS server.

    If your UCX system is not connected to the Internet (or to a network with a DNS server), make sure that the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS fields are blank!

  • Press the Apply Changes button.
  • NOTE

    You now have to reopen the management GUI using the new IP address


    If you are using the second interface port, please see Configure Second Network Port.

    3.3. Setting Time and Date

    The date, time and time zone configured on your UCX server is used for several features:

    • The date and time shown on the display of Nortel IP phones
    • CDR records and call log entries
    • Log files generated on the server

    If the system is connected to the internet and using Network Time Protocol (NTP) to keep the system time accurate, you only have to configure the correct time zone. If not using NTP or not connected to the internet, then make sure the date, time and time zone are set correctly.

    To set the date, time and time zone, perform the following steps:

    1. From the System tab, select Preferences
    2. From the left side column, select Date/Time
    3. Use the drop-down list boxes beside the New Date label to set the current date
    4. Use the drop-down list boxes beside the New Time label to set the current time
    5. Use the drop-down list box beside the New Time Zone label to set your time zone
    6. Press the Apply Changes button

    4. System Activation

    Refer to the instructions Galaxy Appliances – Activating and Licensing to activate and license your Galaxy system.

    5. Adding Extensions

    This section provides instructions how to create extensions. The Galaxy Mini does not need licenses for Infinity 5xxx Series XSTIM IP phones, Nortel digital phones, or analog phones, so once the following programming is completed on at least two extensions, a quick test call is performed to ensure the quick installation is completed successfully.  

    Both the Infinity 5xxx Series XSTIM IP phones and Nortel digital phone types use the same configuration procedures for configuring extensions, although the Infinity 5xxx series sets connect to the Galaxy Mini via an IP connection while the Nortel digital phones must connect via a Digital Station interface device. This includes the E-MetroTel Digital Station Module – 16 port (DSM16) and Digital Gateway (DG) devices.  Analog phones can connect to either the built-in RJ-11 jacks of the Galaxy (depending on the hardware configuration) or to analog ports on the Digital Gateway (DG) device if used.

    5.1. Connecting an Infinity 5xxx series XSTIM phone

    Infinity 5xxx Series XSTIM phones connect to the UCX using either a Standard or Universal license (refer to the Extension licensing table in Product Licensing).  They connect via either the customer LAN or via a dedicated IP Telephony LAN.

    1. To configure the 5xxx Series XSTIM IP phones to connect to the UCX software, refer to the instructions in Infinity 5000 Series – XSTIM Registration.
    2. To configure the extensions for the Infinity 5000 Series XSTIM phones, follow the procedures outlined in Adding a XSTIM Extension

    5.2. Connecting an XSTIM digital phone

    XSTIM based digital phones connect to the UCX software using either Basic, Standard, or Universal licenses. Note that the Galaxy Mini licensing includes 32 basic extension license so no additional licesnes are required unless you are expanding from 32 extensions to 64.  They connect via the 16 port Digital Station Module (DSM16p).

    1. To connect a DSM16 to the UCX, follow the procedures outlined in the UCX Digital Station Module (DSM16) documentation, beginning with the DSM16 – Overview.  Also refer to the DSM16 – Wiring Chart.
    2. To configure the extensions for the digital phones, follow the procedures outlined in Adding a XSTIM Extension.

    5.3. Connecting an analog phone

    Analog phones connect to the UCX using Basic, Standard, or Universal licenses. On a Galaxy Mini or Galaxy 250, they may connect using internal Dahdi-based cards when at least one FXS daughter card has been installed in the chassis, or they can connect to any system using the FXS interfaces on Galaxy FXS16, FXS8, or FXS/FXO combo cards that plug into the Galaxy Express and/or Galaxy Expeand chassis.

    To configure analog phones and their extensions on internal Dahdi-based daughter cards, follow the procedures outlined in Adding a DAHDI Extension.

    5.4. Making a Test Call

    Dial from one extension to another, answer the call and verify that speech path is working in both directions.
