
DSM16 – System – Dashboard

When you login to the DSM16 Administration, you are normally presented with the Dashboard page, which provides operational view of the system. If you navigate away from this page, you can return to it by selecting Dashboard from the System tab.


Processes Status

This applet will list the statuses of processes running on your system. Under normal circumstances, all processes should be RUNNING. For each process, you can click on the down arrow to choose from a list of actions to execute. Once you have executed an action, use the Refresh button in the top right corner of the applet to show the current status of the process.

Managing Dashboard Applets

You can customize the set of applets displayed on the dashboard.  To select applets that are to be visible on the Dashboard page, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select Dashboard.
  2. From the left side column, select Dashboard Applet Admin.  (If the left column is collapsed, click the drawer handle arrow on the very left edge of the screen, or the Expand button on the tool bar on the right hand edge of the Dashboard page.)
  3. Check names of applets that you want see on the Dashboard page.
  4. Press the Save button to save the dashboard applet configuration.

