For customers who want to install their own custom ring tones. Perform the steps on this page to create and install customized ringtones.
Step 1 – Install Audio Editing Software
You will need to download and install an audio editing tool on your PC to prepare the ringtone files. The example shown on this page uses Cool Edit Pro (cepsetup21.exe).
A proprietary ringtool.exe tool also needs to be downloaded onto the PC; this tool is used to convert the ringtone file to a format required by the Infinity 5000 series phones.
The above tools can be download from the Partner Portal, under Support -> Download Software.-> Infinity Phones.
Step 2 – Reformat ringtone files
This is the format required for the ring tone files:
- The ringtone file size must be less than 64K.
- Sample rate : 8000
- Channels : Mono
- Resolution : 16-bit linear; little-endian
Perform the following steps to create the ringtone PCM raw data files.
- Start the audio editing software (e.g. CoolEdit Pro)
- Select File -> Batch File Convert
- Click on Add Files and select the source file(s) that you want to use for your custom ringtones.
- Select the Resample tab, select checkbox Convert Sample Type and then click on Change Destination Format.
- Change the destination format to: Sample Rate 8000; Channels Mono; Resolution 16 bit. Click OK to save.
- Select the New Format tab, set the Output Format to PCM Raw Data (*.pcm), click on Format Properties.
- Set Format Properties to 16-bit Intel PCM (LSB, MSB), click OK to save.
- Select the Destination tab, choose the desired destination folder for the output file(s). Click on the Run Batch button.
- The source ringtone files are now converted to the appropriate PCM file format (*.pcm).
Step 3 – Cut ringtone file to size
- From the same Audio Editing Software tool, go to File -> Open and select the PCM file that was created in STEP TWO.
- Select the segment to be used as ringtone and press CTRL-C to copy the segment.
- Click on File -> New to create a new file, select Sample Rate 8000, Channels Mono, Resolution 16-bit.
- Enter CTRL-V to paste the previously selected segmented into the new file.
- Click File -> Save As and save the file as PCM Raw Data file type.
Step 4 – Convert to BIN file
Only 5 of the ring tones ring4.bin to ring8.bin can be replaced.
Just rename ring1.bin to one of the supported ring tone files, e.g. ring4.bin.
- Double click on the file ringtool.exe to run the tool.
- Click Select and choose the pcm file created from STEP THREE.
- Click on the button Generate Ringfile.
- The file ring1.bin is now created. Ensure the filesize does not exceed 64K.
- Rename the file to one of the supported files to be replaced. (e.g. ring4.bin)
Step 5 – Upload Ringtone file(s) to UCX
- Start a SCP session to the UCX server (e.g. using WinSCP)
- On the left side window, navigate to the the folder containing the ringtone file(s)
- On the right side window, navigate to the /tftpboot directory.
- Drag all the ringtone file(s) from the left window to the /tftpboot directory on the right window.
- Close and exit the file transfer session.
TFTP is enabled by default on the UCX Server. See UCX Administration - Provisioning Server page for details.
Step 6 – Provision file to Phone
- Login to the Infinity phone’s web interface.
- Navigate to the Management -> Auto Provision page.
- Enter the URL path to the UCX tftp server into the Ring Server Path field.
- Click the SaveSet button to save the setting.
- Click on the Autoprovision Now button to install the ringtone file(s).
- Wait for the phone to complete the installation.
- The final step is to select the desired Ring Tone for the phone, see Ring Type for details.
You can use the Cloud Phone Provisioning Tool to provision the Ring Server Path. Under Custom Settings, use PCODE P20174.