
Mitel – 6930 IP Phone


E-MetroTel has been successful in configuring a Mitel 6930 IP Phone to register with a UCX server to process calls.


The Mitel 6930 must have the following SIP firmware load installed:
  • SIP

E-MetroTel has been successful in creating interoperability with the referenced phone using our open SIP Standards implementation. E-MetroTel is not responsible for maintaining interoperability support should the manufacturer modify the behavior of their SIP implementation in subsequent releases.

Step 1 – On the UCX Server

  1. Login to UCX Administration
  2. Navigate to PBX – PBX Configuration – Extensions page
  3. Add an Extension for a Generic SIP Device with the following basic parameters:
    • User Extension (e.g. 4475)
    • Display Name (e.g. EMT)
    • secret
  4. Click on Submit to create the extension
  5. Press the Apply Config bar at the top

Step 2 – On the Mitel 6930 IP Phone

Connect phone to the network and power up the phone:

  1. Obtain the IP address of the phone by pressing the Settings button, then navigate to Status → Network → IP address
  2. The Web configuration page for phone can be opened in a browser using the phone’s IP address.

Step 3 – Configure Phone via Web Interface

Accessing the phone’s web interface

  1. From a web browser, enter the IP address of the phone identified in step two above.
  2. Login as admin, the default password is 22222.

Configure SIP Line 1

  1. Navigate to Advanced Settings  Line 1 page.
  2. Under Basic SIP Authentication Settings, enter information for the following fields:
    • Screen name
    • Phone Number
    • Authentication Name
    • Password
  3. Under Basic SIP Network Settings, enter information for the following fields:
    • Proxy Server (IP address of the UCX Server)
    • Proxy Port (SIP binding port of the UCX Server)
    • Registrar Server (IP address of the UCX Server)
    • Registrar Port (SIP binding port of the UCX Server)
  4. Click on Save Settings to save the configuration.
  5. Screen on the phone when it successfully registers to the UCX:
