
Galaxy Expand – Platform and Hardware Overview

The Galaxy Expand hardware platform is part of the E-MetroTel overall server portfolio. While it can function as a Call Server platform with a variety of Call Processor configuration options for standalone operation, it can also be configured in High Availability (HA) mode with an active/standby pair of call processors across two independent chassis units, as a Survivable Remote Gateway (SRG) system with a single processor, or even as a highly compact, large scale FXO, FXS, PRI, or Digital Station gateway with no Call Processors.

Galaxy Expand Chassis

The Galaxy Expand Is based on a multi-slot 19 inch wide x 7″ high (4U) x 10.25″ depth chassis.  There are a total of 11 slots to support a variety of Server and/or telephony interface cards.  In addition, there is a slot for the Switch Fabric card, which is used for in-chassis communication by all the other pluggable cards.  All other cards, including server and telephony interfaces cards, are optional.

The chassis and corresponding slot numbers are shown below:


The ordering code for the base chassis is as follows:

Ordering CodeDescription



11 Slot chassis equipped with:

Switch Fabric Card
Galaxy Expand Power Supply (Qty 2)
Fan Tray with Filters

Standard Cards

The following cards are always included with the Galaxy Expand chassis. They are restricted to certain slots as noted below.

Switch Fabric Card

The Switch Fabric Card is required for all configurations and is always positioned in the slot labeled SFS (Switch Fabric Slot) as shown above.


This card is not hot-swappable!

Front Panel


ETH1 and ETH2

These ports are simply two RJ-45 jacks that connect to the ethernet network on the Galaxy Expand Backplane.

Default IP Address: None
Type: RJ-45

Note: When using recommended UCX IP addressing devices connected to this port need to be configured as:

  • subnet with the 2930 Server Card
  • subnet with the i5 Server Card

Refer to diagrams on:

USB1Interconnection to other Galaxy Expand chassis by extending the USB Bus.
Type: USB 2.0 A
USB2Interconnection to other Galaxy Expand chassis by extending the USB Bus.
Type: USB 2.0 B
RSTNot Used
PWRProvides an indication of which cards slots are powered in the Galaxy Expand chassis, and whether the card is connected via Ethernet or USB
The first LED above the PWR label shows the status of the Switch Fabric Card itself. The remaining indicators represent the pluggable card slot positions.SFSCardLEDs-Horizontal.png
Note: The position of the PWR label indicated above is as shown on an actual SFS card.
Color Indicator:
RED: Ethernet Connected Card Active
GREEN: USB Connected Card Active

Galaxy Expand Power Supply Cards

The Galaxy Expand chassis is always equipped with two redundant hot-swappable power supplies.  Each power supply has its own power cable. E-MetroTel recommends connecting each of these power supply cables to 120V supplies on different breaker circuits to provide maximum protection against power interruption. These are always provided in the slots labeled PPS1 and PSS2.

Galaxy Expand Fan Tray

The Galaxy Expand chassis is equipped with a fan tray to provide maximum cooling capability when running under full load. The fan tray is located on the lower portion of the chassis where the E-MetroTel and Galaxy Expand branding is positioned.

Galaxy Expand Server Card Options

The Galaxy Expand hardware portfolio includes two different Server cards for call processing and must be seated in 7a (2930 processor) or 7a and 7b (i5 processor).

The Galaxy Server cards include:

 i5 Server Card
(v1 and v2)
 2930 Server CardGE2930ServerCard.png

i5 Server Card (original version: v1)

The Galaxy i5 Server Card is based on the Intel Core i5 processor with 4 Gb RAM and 500 Gb of storage, supporting:

  • Registered extensions: 1000
  • Concurrent calls: 500

The Galaxy i5 Server card is a double-width card and should be seated in slot 7a/7b of the Galaxy Expand Chassis.

Front Panel


LANInterconnection to the customer telephony LAN
Default IP Address: (static, “ethernet1”)
Type: RJ-45
WANInterconnection to the customer or service provider WAN
Default IP Address: (static, “ethernet0”)
Type: RJ-45
HDMIProvide access to the processor video feed for creating a headed system  for troubleshooting.
RSTReset the card and restart the UCX software.
LED IndicatorDescription
PowerGreen: Indicates the card has power
SATAIndicates drive storage activity

i5 Server Card (updated version: v2)

The Galaxy i5 Server Card is based on the Intel Core i5 processor with 4 Gb RAM and 500 Gb of storage, supporting:

  • Registered extensions: 1250
  • Concurrent calls: 500

The Galaxy i5 Server card is a double-width card and should be seated in slot 7a/7b of the Galaxy Expand Chassis.

Front Panel


Eth2Interconnection to the customer or service provider WAN
Default IP Address: (static, “ethernet2”)
Type: RJ-45
Eth1Interconnection to the customer or service provider WAN
Default IP Address: (static, “ethernet1”)
Type: RJ-45
HDMIProvide access to the processor video feed for creating a headed system  for troubleshooting.
USBTemporary connection of Keyboard/Mouse during troubleshooting
RSTReset the card and restart the UCX software.
LED IndicatorDescription
PowerGreen: Indicates the card has power
SATAIndicates drive storage activity

2930 Server Card

The Galaxy 2930 Server Card is based on the Intel Celeron 2930 processor with 2 Gb RAM and 32 Gb of storage, supporting:

  • Registered extensions: 250
  • Concurrent calls: 100

It is a single-width card that should be seated in slot 7a of the Galaxy Expand Chassis. When a Galaxy 2930 Server card is used the “7b” slot should be covered with a blank card slot cover.

Front Panel


ETHInterconnection to the customer telephony LAN
Default IP Address: (static, “ethernet1”)
Type: RJ-45
USB1 and
Interconnection to other Galaxy Systems, but typically not used in Galaxy Expand configurations
Type: USB 2.0 A
VGAProvide access to the processor video feed for creating a headed system  for troubleshooting.
RSTReset the card and restart the card software.
LED IndicatorDescription
PowerIndicates the card has power
HDDIndicates drive storage activity

Galaxy Expand Telephony Interface Options

The Galaxy Expand chassis can support up to a total of 11 telephony interface cards. These cards are used to connect to telephony interfaces such as a digital and analog telephones, PRI-1circuits, or analog lines (trunks). The available Telephony cards are as follows:

 DSM16p CardGEDSM16Card.png
 PRI-1 CardGEPRICardv4.png
 FXO 8-port CardGE8FXOCard.png
 FXS 16-port CardGalaxyFXS16Card-700px.png

DSM16p Card

The DSM16 Digital Line Card supports E-MetroTel digital phones as well as Nortel/Avaya T and M series sets for Norstar/BCM migration and Meridian digital sets.

Front Panel


 Connection to Digital Telephone Sets
Default IP Address: DHCP
Type: RJ-21
Note: When using default UCX IP addressing, this card will be on the backplane ethernet subnet
192.168.100.xx (i5 Processor)
192.168.1.xx (2930 Processor)
PWRGreen: Indicates card has power from backplane.
RUNGreen: Indicates the card processes are running.
Red: Indicates an operational failure

PRI-1 Card

The PRI-1card provides a standard high speed (T1, or 1.544 Mb/s) interface for 23 voice channels.

Front Panel


USBNot used in Galaxy Expand configurations
Type: USB 2.0 A
HDMIProvide access to the processor video feed for creating a headed system  for troubleshooting.
Type:  HDMI Type C
ETHNot used in Galaxy Expand configurations
Default IP Address:
Type: RJ-45
RSTReset the card and restart the UXc software.
RUNSlow Blink (Green 2s and Flash 0.1s) Indicates the card software is running normally
Fast Blink (Green 0.5s and Flash 0.5s) indicates abnormal situation
No Blink: Dahdi Error
PWRGreen: indicates that the card is receiving power from the Galaxy Expand chassis

FXO 8-port Card

The FXO 8-port Card provides standard connection to analog lines typically from a PSTN service provider.

Front Panel


1-8Standard analog interface connection to a service provider PSTN network (or similar)
Type: RJ-11 Note: This card uses DADHI to communicate with a Galaxy Expand Server Card, so it must be in the same Galaxy Expand chassis as the server card.
1-8Flashing RED: Indicates an FXO port with no trunk connection. Indicator turns off when connected to a trunk.

FXS 16-port Card

The FXS 16-port Card provides standard connection via an amphenol interface to analog telephones or similar devices.

Front Panel


AmphenolConnection to Analog Telephone Sets
Default IP Address: 
Type: RJ-21
Green: Indicates the card processes are running.
Red: Indicates an operational failure
