
Infinity 5000 Series – Troubleshooting Steps

1.0 Identifying the Problem

If the problem falls into one of the following categories, then follow the RMA Troubleshooting Steps.

  • Unable to power up
  • Freeze during bootup
  • Continuous reboot
  • No network on INTERNET port
  • No network on PC port
  • No connection to expansion module(s)
  • No audio
  • Distorted, abnormal or blank display screen
  • Abnormal Font / Background / Icon
  • Hookswitch or buttons that do not work

Otherwise continue to troubleshoot as below.

2.0 Collect Basic Information

  • What is the phone model? (5004 / 5006 / 5008 / 5010 dark faceplate / 5010 light faceplate / 5010W)
  • What firmware type is running on the phone – SIP or XSTIM?
  • What is the firmware version on the phone?
  • What is the UCX Server platform? E.g. UCX Cloud, Virtualized Server, Galaxy Mini, Galaxy 250, Galaxy Expand, etc.

3.0 First Steps

  • Check when was the UCX Server last updated. Perform a software update on the UCX Server to make sure it is on the latest software.
  • Check if the phone(s) are on the latest firmware version (see Infinity 5000 Series – Firmware Distribution). Update the phones to the latest firmware.

4.0 Connectivity Issues

The phone has problems connecting or staying connected to the UCX.


If connecting to Cloud UCX, then all phones are considered to be remote phones.

REMOTE phones:

  • Login to UCX Administration and check the following:
    • For XSTIM phones, go to PBX -> PBX Configuration -> XSTIM Settings page, check the Public IP and Port fields, verify the phone has the correct Server address and port.
    • For SIP phones, go to SIP Settings page and click Auto Configure to auto-detect the public IP address. Take note of the External IP and Bind Port values. Verify the phone has the correct Server address and port. If the Bind Port is non-default, make sure the port number is appended to the server address.
  • Confirm the customer’s router is configured to forward the correct Port number to the IP address of the UCX Server. (See Configure Port Forwarding for Remote Access.)
  • Login to the phone menu:
    • Check the S1/S2 address is set to the Public IP address of the UCX Server
    • Check the S1/S2 port is set to the correct Port number.
  • If all configuration looks correct, try replacing the network cable.
  • Connect the phone from a different location with internet.

If the service provider is Eastlink, make sure the router provided is a business class router, e.g. Hitron 3D200 EasyConnect (Model CODA-4582)


  • Login to UCX web-based configuration utility and check the following:
    • Go to PBX -> PBX Configuration -> XSTIM Settings page, check the Port field, take note of the Port number.
    • Go to System -> Network page, check the IP address for ETH0 and ETH1. Find out if phones are connecting to ETH0 or ETH1.
  • Login to the phone menu:
    • Check the S1/S2 address is set to the correct IP address for ETH0/ETH1.
    • Check the S1/S2 port is set to the correct Port number.
    • Set the Retry Number to 3 or more.
  • Confirm how IP address is assigned to the phone. E.g. DHCP, Static, VLAN etc. Take note of the IP address of the phone.
  • Check if the phone and UCX Server belong to the same subnet.
  • Connect a computer to the same subnet, try pinging the phone’s IP address and the UCX Server’s IP address.
  • If all configuration and network setup looks correct, try replacing the network cable.

Expansion Module has problems connecting to the phone

  • Disconnect expansion module(s) from the main phone.
  • Login to the web interface of the phone (5010 or 5010W).
  • Navigate to Management -> Auto Provision page.
  • Set Upgrade EXP Firmware to No and click on SaveSet button.
  • Connect the expansion module(s) to the main phone one at a time.
  • Once the expansion module(s) successfully connects to the phone, then set Upgrade EXP Firmware to Yes and click on SaveSet button.

5.0 Audio and Display Issues

If the phone is experiencing audio issues like one-way speech path, no dialtone or intermittently losing audio on speaker, perform a factory reset of the phone.

If the labels or text are not displaying correctly, cut-off, misplaced or has extra unwanted information, perform a factory reset of the phone.

(XSTIM Factory Reset / SIP Factory Reset)

6.0 Voice Quality Issues

If the customer is experiencing intermittent voice quality issues on different phones, it may be due to network latency. To identify or rule out network latency issues, you can follow these steps to run a latency report from the UCX to the phones.

Generating Latency Report

Step One – UCX SSH

Start SSH session to the UCX and run the following command at the start of the business day:

For XSTIM phones:

x=1; while [ x ]; do date; asterisk -rx “ucx show peers”; sleep 5; done | tee /var/tmp/<filename-date>.txt

For SIP phones:

x=1; while [ x ]; do date; asterisk -rx “sip show peers”; sleep 5; done | tee /var/tmp/<filename-date>.txt
Replace <filename-date> with customer name and current date. For example “emetrotel-20241015”.
Enter CTRL-C to stop the command at the end of business day. Do not let it run past midnight.

Run the following command on the UCX to find all the extensions and their corresponding internal IP address:

For XSTIM phones:

for ext in `asterisk -x “ucx show peers” | grep “^[0-9][0-9]” | grep -v peers | cut -d ‘ ‘ -f1 | xargs `; do asterisk -x “ucx show peer $ext” | grep “\* Name\|Int.*Address”; done | grep Int -B1

For SIP phones:

for ext in `asterisk -x “sip show peers” | grep “^[0-9][0-9]” | grep -v peers | cut -d ‘/’ -f1 | xargs `; do asterisk -x “sip show peer $ext” | grep “\* Name\|Addr”; done | grep Addr -B1
Copy and save the information for Step Three.

Step Two – VIM Editor

Retrieve the above file from the UCX (e.g. use WinSCP) and open the file using VIM editor.
Create the “time.txt” file using the following VIM commands, where XXX is the first 3 characters of the date/time stamp line, e.g. Thu.
:vimgrep “XXX” %
:w time.txt
Create the “latency.txt” file using the following VIM commands, where \d\d\d\d means we are looking for latency 1000 – 9999 ms.
:vimgrep “OK (\d\d\d\d” %
:w latency.txt

Step Three

You will need the spreadsheet template from E-MetroTel to create the report. Or you can send the information collected in Steps One and Two to the support team for analysis.

Spreadsheet IP Tab
List all the extensions in ascending order in column A.
List the corresponding internal IP addresses in column B.
Spreadsheet Time Tab
Copy all lines in time.txt file into column C.
Copy the formula in columns A and B to all the rows.
Spreadsheet Latency Tab
Copy all lines in latency.txt file into column G.
Copy the formula in columns A, B, C, D, E, F to all the rows.

7.0 Retrieving Syslog from Expansion Module

To obtain the IP address of the expansion module, perform the following steps:

  • Press the LEFT navigation key on the expansion board three times, and then press and hold the RIGHT navigation key for 10 seconds.
  • After releasing the key, the administration Menu will be displayed on the screen.
  • Press the top left key to select the Information.
  • The IP address of the expansion module will be listed on this page. The IP address assigned will be 172.20.167.X.
  • Press the LEFT navigation key to exit the menu.

To retrieve the system log file, perform the following steps:

  • Set the IP address of your computer to a static IP address in the same subnet as the expansion module, 172.20.167.X (cannot conflict with the IP address of the expansion board).
  • Connect a network cable from the computer to the Uplink port of the expansion board (the expansion board will need to be disconnected from the phone).
  • From a web browser, enter the IP address of the expansion board.
  • Navigate to Management – Configuration page, click to Download the system log.
  • After the syslog has been retrieved, power off the expansion module, disconnect from the computer, reconnect to the phone and power up again.
