
DSM16 – Administration

The DSM16 card is configured by default to use DHCP procedures to obtain an IP address on initial connection. This is because it is likely that more than one DSM16p will be deployed in most scenarios and cannot all be assigned a common default IP address. Therefore, it is a prerequisite that the initial DSM16 network connection is made to a network that has a DHCP server. Once it is connected to the network, the address for connecting to the DSM16 Web-based Configuration Utility will be dependent on the address provided by the network’s DHCP Server.  E-MetroTel recommends configuring the interface to a Static IP address after initial configuration is complete.

Identifying the IP Address

There are a number of installation scenarios to consider for identifying and initial configuring of the DSM16p IP Address.

Identifying the IP Addresses through a Digital Set Display


Because the default setting for the DSM16p is to operate in Norstar/BCM mode, this step can only be performed with a Norstar or BCM set. If you are configuring for a CS1000 or M1 replacement, or if you have Avaya 95xx phones, consider bringing a Norstar/BCM phone for this initial step, or use one of the other methods identified below.

One of the simplest methods for determining the DSM16 IP address after it is connected to a network is to connect any Norstar/BCM digital set with a two line display to one of the ports on the RJ-21 jack output.  During the DSM16p initialization process, the display of the set will be blank and all the Key Indicators will be blinking.  However, once the initialization has finalized, the Key Indicators will stop blinking, and if the DSM16 does not automatically connect to the UCX server, the two line display will begin alternating between three messages.  The first message will have a “DSM16 IP address” and the second line will have the currently assigned IP address of the DSM16.  The message will then transition to “Locating Server” on the first line, with the IP address of the UCX server on the second line.  The third message provides feedback indicating “Server not found”, again followed by the UCX server IP address.

In the example discussed below, the display would alternate between the following screens:

 DSM16 IP address
 Locating Server
 Server not found

Direct Connection with Galaxy system with Server

If you are connecting the DSM16p directly to one of the Galaxy network interfaces, then consider using the DHCP server capabilities of the UCX software. (Make sure there are no other DHCP servers on the same network first!) After enabling DHCP on the network interface per the DHCP Server documentation, you can review the DHCP Client List to determine the IP address assigned to the DSM16p card by matching its’ MAC address in the client list.

Pre-Assigning the MAC address on the DHCP Server

The address can be pre-assigned by using the Hardware ID (MAC Address) provided on the product label and having the DHCP Server administrator create an IP address reservation for the unit.  This will allow the DSM16p to connect to the network with the normal DHCP procedures and receive the pre-assigned address from the server.

Network with no DHCP Server

If there is a requirement to place the DSM16 on a network that does not have a DHCP server (i.e. particularly when the card is remote from the Galaxy server interfaces), then the initial configuration must be done on a separate network (or possibly directly connected to a PC with a DHCP server) with the last step being to change the network interface parameters for the target network.

Connecting to DSM16 Administration

The following procedures are based on the DSM16p being assigned an IP address of
  1. In your Internet browser, enter the address of the Digital Station Module ( in our example).
  2. If you get a prompt that the website you are trying to access has a problem with its security certificate, select the option to proceed to the website.  You may want to install the Digital Station Module security certificates on your PC or add the Digital Station Module system to your browser’s permanent exceptions list if you do not want to encounter this warning again (see Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for more information).
  3. The login page is displayed. Login using the default credentials:
    • Username = admin
    • Password = emetr0tel (please note that the ‘0’ is a numeric zero) If you already changed the administrator’s password, use your password instead of the default.

Logging into the DSM16p for the First Time

The first time you log in to the DSM16, you will be prompted to change the password using the System / Users page and that the phone services are disabled because of an invalid license. DSM16onFirstConnect.png

Change the Password

It is advisable to change this password to prevent unauthorized access.  Re-enter the Current Password (i.e. the default password), and enter your new password into the Password and Retype Password fields.  Click the Save button to exit. The DSM16p does not enforce any password policies, so it is possible (although not recommended) to click the Cancel button to continue configuring the DSM16p.  If the password is not changed, the DSM16p will display a prompt in the Administration page reminding you that the default password is still in use. DSM16onFirstConnectNoPwdChange.png

Activate the Card

In order to begin using any of the telephony services to support connecting digital telephones to the UCX, you will need to activate the card. Follow the steps identified in DSM16 – System – Licenses to activate the card. Doing so will remove the Invalid License warning. After activation, the Invalid License screen banner will be removed, but the Default Password warning will remain if the default password is still in use. DSM16onFirstConnectActivated.png

Security Considerations

Once the DSM16 has been configured, there typically is very little need to access the Administration pages on a regular basis. To reduce the security exposure of some of the software components in the DSM16 operating system, it is possible to disable the Administration access from the command line, stopping the Apache, PHP and OpenSSL software components (and others) from being exposed. While the Administration is disabled no changes to the system configuration can be made. However, automatic software updates will continue to execute based on the configured schedule.  In order to make subsequent configuration changes,  the Administration access must be re-enabled.

Disabling Administration Access

To disable Administration access:
  1. Open an SSH (Secure Shell) session with the DSM16 using an SSH client such as PuTTY.
  2. Login to the command line interface using the admin login credentials.
  3. Enter the following command to disable the Administration page:

      sudo systemctl disable now httpd.service
  4. Once the command has executed you will see the following response:

  5. If you see a response indicating that ‘systemctl daemon-reload‘ should be executed, the admin user should run the command:

     sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  6. Verify that the Administration page is no longer accessible by attempting to connect via your browser.

Enabling Administration Access

To enable Administration access:
  1. Open an SSH (Secure Shell) session with the DSM16 using an SSH client such as PuTTY.
  2. Login to the command line interface using the admin login credentials.
  3. Enter the following command to enable the Web-based Configuration Utility:

      sudo systemctl enable now httpd.service
  4. Once the command has executed you will see the following response:

  5. Verify that the Administration page is now accessible by attempting to connect via your browser.
