
Infinity 5000 Series (XSTIM) – Phone User Interface

1. Accessing Phone Menu

There are two ways to access the phone menu.

Method 1: During Bootup

During the boot up process, when the E-MetroTel logo is displayed, you have 5 seconds to press the 4 softkeys from left to right in sequence. The display will prompt for the password.

Method 2: Hold button

When the phone is idle, double press the Hold  button to access the phone menu.

2. Phone Menu Layout

BASIC – StatusInformation Displays the Phone model, IP address, MAC address, Firmware loads etc.
BASIC – Sleep ModeSleep Mode See XSTIM – Sleep mode for details.
BASIC – Bluetooth
* 5010W only
Bluetooth See XSTIM – Bluetooth for details.
* 5010W only
Mode See XSTIM – Wifi for details.
ADVANCED – ServerServer Information To configure the UCx server information.
ADVANCED – APFirmware Upgrade To configure the firmware mode and firmware server path.
ADVANCED – NetworkWAN PortIP Port ModeSelect from options: IPv4 | IPv6 | IPv4 & IPv6
IPv4Set to: DHCP or Static IP Address or PPPoE
IPv6Set to: DHCP or Static IP Address
WAN HTTP AccessEnable/disable WAN HTTP access
PC Port To configure PC Port as: Bridge, Router or Connect to Expansion Module
Vlan To configure Vlan settings.
Webserver To disable/enable web interface access and type: HTTP&HTTPS | HTTP Only | HTTPS Only | Off
802.1x Enable/disable 802.1 mode.
DHCP Vlan Enable/disable DHCP Vlan.
LLDP Enable/disable LLDP and settings.
CDP Enable/disable CDP and settings.
ADVANCED – FactoryFactory Function XSTIM – Factory Function

3. Common Usage

3.1 BASIC – Status – Information

This page is typically used to determine the IP address assigned to the phone. Also useful to obtain the MAC address of the phone for configuration in the UCX.

3.2 ADVANCED – Server – Server Information

Configuring the UCX Server IP address and Port number is a MUST for any XSTIM phone.
This is the first page to enter when configuring an XSTIM phone for the very first time.

3.3 ADVANCED – AP – Firmware Upgrade

This page is used to configure the firmware and configuration server addresses and also to toggle between SIP and XSTIM firmware mode.

3.4 ADVANCED – Network – Setting DHCP or Static IP Address

By default, the phone is configured to obtain its IP address via DHCP.
To change the mode to Static IP Address, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Network -> WAN Port page
  2. Go to IPv4 and press the Enter softkey.
  3. From this page you can select DHCP modeStatic mode or PPPE mode.
  4. To change the mode to Static, select Static mode and press the Enter softkey.
  5. Enter all the required fields like IPNetmaskGateway, etc. and press the Save softkey.

3.5 ADVANCED – Network – Webserver

By default, the web interface to the phone should be enabled. However if you have trouble accessing the web interface, check this page to ensure the Webserver setting is NOT disabled.

3.6 ADVANCED – Network – PC Port

By default, the PC port is set to Bridge mode. Using the PC port to connect to the expansion module 5046 is currently not supported.

4. Entering Characters from Keypad

1, . ? : ;
22 a b c A B C
33 d e f D E F
44 g h i G H I
55 j k l J K L
66 m n o M N O
77 p q r s P Q R S
88 t u v T U V
99 w x y z W X Y Z
** / ” ! @ $ +
00 <space> < > ( ) { } [ ] _ –
## ‘ % & * |
