This page describes the steps to convert Avaya 9608 and 9611 phones from H.323 protocol to SIP protocol and SIP configuration of these phones.
- Avaya Deskphones 9608 or 9611 Telephone with Power supply (or POE port)
- Avaya Deskphone SIP firmware Release (see step three for info)
- Open source HTTP server HFS with default port 80 (
- UCX server configured and connected to the same network as the Avaya phone
- OPTIONAL: download the 46xxsettings.txt file (46xxsettings.txt) with all options commented. This could be used to test more complex options.
Otherwise, create a 46xxsettings.txt file with your UCX SIP configuration for the phone as per section two below.
Step 1 – Configure SIP extension on UCX
- Log into the UCX Web-based Configuration Utility
- Navigate to the PBX – Extensions page
- Create a SIP extension (see Adding a SIP Extension)
- In the Device options section, set NAT to no
- Retain all default settings, enable Voicemail if required.
- Save and apply the changes
Step 2 – Prepare configuration files
Below is a sample of the 46xsettings.txt configuration file.
- PHNNUMOFSA sets the number of line keys on the phone.
- PSTN_VM_NUM sets the voice mail box access code for the Message button on the phone.
############################################################ ## ## ## 96xx SIP TELEPHONE SETTINGS ## ## ## ############################################################ SET SIPDOMAIN |
The file 96x1Supgrade.txt from the ZIP package must have the following contents:
IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9601 GOTO 9601SW IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9608 GOTO 9608SW IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9611 GOTO 9611SW IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9621 GOTO 9621SW IF $MODEL4 SEQ 9641 GOTO 9641SW GOTO GETSET # 9601SW # 9608SW # 9608GBSW # 9611SW # 9611GBSW # 9621SW # 9641SW # GETSET |
Step 3 – Update to SIP Firmware and register phone
- Visit the Avaya software download page and download the zip file for software version (
- Extract the zip file and load the extracted files onto HTTP server.
- Load the 46xxsettings.txt file with SIP configuration onto HTTP server.
The file 96x1upgrade.txt (from the ZIP package) must be present on the http server for the 46xxsettings.txt file to be loaded. - Power cycle the Avaya phone.
- At the boot-up prompt press * and 27238# to enter the phone configuration menu.
- Optional Step: Choose the Clear option to clear all phone settings. The phone will restart and repeat the above step at boot-up to enter the phone configuration menu.
- Navigate to the Addr menu, configure HTTP server IP address.
- Navigate to the SIG menu, choose SIP for protocol.
- Exit to restart the phone.
- On reboot, the phone connects to the HTTP server and SIP firmware files will be downloaded and installed on the phone.
- The phone will be restarted a few times to update the phone application.
- The Login prompt with Username:[ ] and Password:[ ] will be displayed on the phone.
- Enter the SIP extension credentials to register the phone to UCx.
Known Limitations
- The Phone display shows Press (← →) for Feature List, but does not show any information when side arrow keys are pressed.
- The Contacts button does not show any information.