UCX Administration
PBX – Batch Configuration

Provisioning Server

The Provisioning Server page allows you to enable or disable services that can be used for provisioning of IP phones, and update the FTP login credentials that are used for this purpose. The FTP credentials configured here are only for use by the phone sets.

To update the FTP login credentials, perform the following steps.

  1. Open UCX Administration
  2. From the PBX tab, select Batch Configuration
  3. From the left side column, select Provisioning Server
  4. Edit the FTP user name in the User field and a password in the Password field
  5. Press the Save button

By default, provisioning of IP phones using FTP is turned OFF and provisioning using TFTP is turned ON.

To change the state of either the FTP or TFTP server, use the appropriate slider button.  For example, to enable the FTP Server with the specified credentials, move the FTP Server slider button to display the value ON.

Placing Configuration files on the UCX system

To put configuration files on the UCX system, you will need to have installed on your PC a secure file transfer utility (e.g. WinScp), then perform the following steps:

  1. Launch the secure file transfer utility
  2. Login to the UCX system using the admin account
  3. Copy the configuration files from your PC to the directory /tftpboot on the UCx system

Batch of Extensions

The Extensions Batch page allows you to import or update extensions using a CSV formatted file. The page also provides the option to delete all extensions. The supported extension types are: XSTIM, SIP and IAX.

To access the page, perform the following steps:

  1. Open UCX Administration
  2. From the PBX tab, select Batch Configuration
  3. From the left side colum, select Batch of Extensions

Importing Extensions

In the CSV file, you must provide at least the following columns listed below, other fields can be left blank.

  • Display NameUser ExtensionSecret, and Tech for SIP and IAX2 extensions.
  • Display Name, User Extension, Tech and Device Type for XSTIM extensions.

Select the Choose File button to bring up the browser to select the file to import.

Select the Upload CSV File button to upload the selected extensions CSV file into the system.

Refer to  Adding XSTIM Extension  and Adding SIP Extension for additional details on the meaning and use of the parameters in the following table.

Display NameName to display for this extension
User ExtensionThe extension number
Direct DIDNumber to call from external source for direct inward dialing to reach this extension
Outbound CIDCLID number seen on outbound calls
Call WaitingSet to either: ENABLED or DISABLED
SecretPassword for this extension. Required for SIP and IAX extensions only.
Voicemail StatusSet to either: ENABLED or DISABLED
Voicemail PasswordPassword to access the voicemail box
VM Email AddressEmail address that voicemails are sent to
VM Pager Email AddressPager/mobile email address that voicemail notifications are sent to
VM OptionsSeparate options with pipe ( | ). For example: review=yes|maxmessage=60
VM EmailOption whether voicemail is sent to email or not. Set to either: yes or no
VM Play CIDOption whether caller’s phone number is played before message. Set to either: yes or no
VM Play EnvelopeOption whether time date is played before message. Set to either: yes or no
VM Delete VmailOption whether to delete voicemail when sent to email address. This gives you option of receiving voicemail via email only. Set to either: yes or no
Instant AccessThis option alllows the voicemail password prompt to be skipped when dialing from the mailbox extension. Set to either: yes or no
ContextThis is voicemail context. Do not change from the default. Enter: from-internal
TechThe type of extension. Supported values: xstimsip, iax2
NAT ModeNAT setting for the SIP extension. Enter Yes, No, Force rport, Comedia, Automatic Force Both, Automatic Force port, Automatic Comedia, or Route. (UCX default is No).
CallgroupCallgroup for which the device belongs. This is a value between 0 and 63.
PickupgroupList of callgroups which the device can initiate pickup. Separate values by comma, and use dash for ranges. For example: 0,3-8,13
DisallowIf set to all will disallow all codecs. This is used if you want to specify a codec on the Allow parameter.
AllowSpecifies what codec to use. You must set the Disallow parameter to all. Set to gsm or ulaw or alaw.
Account CodeAccountcode for this device
DenyDenies traffic from the specified IP address. Set as IP Address/Subnet Mask
PermitAllows traffic from the specified IP address. Set as IP Address/Subnet Mask
Language CodeSpecifies the language to be used on messages and voice prompts if the language is installed in UCX (2 letter lowercase
Record Incoming ExternalSetting for recording incoming calls from external sources. The values are: Always, On Demand or Never
Record Outgoing ExternalSetting for recording outbound calls from external sources. The values are: Always, On Demand or Never
Record Incoming InternalSetting for recording incoming calls from other extensions on the system. The values are: Always, On Demand or Never
Record Outgoing InternalSetting for recording incoming calls to other extensions on the system. The values are: Always, On Demand or Never
Record On DemandEnable or disable the ability to do on-demand (one-touch) recording. Set to disabled or enabled
Record PriorityCall Recording policy priority relative to other extensions when there is a conflict between extension settings. Set a value of 0 to 20 (system uses default of 10)
XSTIM Specific Settings
Device TypeIdentify the type of XSTIM device. Required for XSTIM extensions only.
MAC AddressThe MAC address of the device (using colons)
Number of LinesThe number of Line Appearances of the extension. (Requires an available Programmable key for each line specified, and Call Waiting to be enabled.)
Title DefaultThe Title display line on the phone
Main Text 0Text display line 0 on the phone
Main Text 1Text display line 1 on the phone
Main Text 2Text display line 2 on the phone
Country Indication ToneThe time zone used for this phone. Leave blank for default.
RTP PortRTP port for this device. Leave blank for default or value between 1024 and 65535.
RTP MethodRTP Method for this device. UCX default value is 4.
Time FormatTime format to display on this device. Enter 0:00am, 0h00, or 0:00 (UCX default)
Date FormatDate format to display on this device. Enter DD Mon, Mon DD, MM/DD, or DD/MM (UCX default)
Timezone OffsetExtensions Offset (in minutes) from the UCX server time. Enter multiple of 30 between -720 and 780.
LCD ContrastLCD Contrast for this device from 0 to 15 (UCX default is 5)
Ring VolumeRing Volume for this extensionfrom 0 to 14 for Infinity phones, all other phones are 0 to 7 (UCX default is 2)
Ring StyleRing pattern for this device from 0 to 7 (UCX default is 1)
Call HistoryAllow call history to be displayed. Enter Enabled (UCX default) or Disabled.
Dial Pad FeedbackDial pad feedback behavior for this extension. Enter Default, None, Click, or DTMF
Soft Transfer TypeType of Transfer invoke when Transfer softkey is pressed. Enter Default, Attended, Asterisk Blind, or Asterisk Attended
HotdeskingAllow or disallow hotdesking to be used on this device. Enter Default, Disallow, or Allowed
Hotdesking PasswordEnter the hotdesking password to be used for this extension. Enter no more than 8 digits.
SRG ModeThe SRG mode for this extension. Enter Normal (UCX default) or Local Always.
Key 2 LabelThe Label to be displayed on the Key “n”. Enter any string  from 1 to 9 characters. For right side justification, use a 9 character string padded from the left with spaces.
Note: Up to 30 Keys can be configured.
Key 2 DigitsThe digit string to be dialed when Key “n” is pressed. Can also contain the following values: Fxxx (Norstar/BCM feature code), xxxx (Speed dial), xxxB (BLF), xxxR (Ringing BLF).
Note: Up to 30 Keys can be configured.
Key 30 LabelThe Label to be displayed on the Key “n”. Enter any string  from 1 to 9 characters. For right side justification, use a 9 character string padded from the left with spaces.
Key 30 DigitsThe digit string to be dialed when Key “n” is pressed. Can also contain the following values: Fxxx (Norstar/BCM feature code), xxxx (Speed dial), xxxB (BLF), xxxR (Ringing BLF).

Exporting Extensions

Select the Download the current extensions in CSV format link to download a CSV file template, which will contain all currently defined extensions, but can also be used as a base template.

Deleting Extensions

Select the Delete All Extensions button to delete all extensions. All corresponding voicemail boxes and voicemail messages will also be deleted.


This action will delete all extensions.
