The Audit page displays a log of login attempts to the web interface, logout information, and information about all management pages accessed by users.
To view the Audit log, perform the following steps:
- Open UCX Administration
- From the Security tab, select Audit
- Press the Show Filter button
- Select the Date you want to set as the filter
- Press the Show button to display the logs for the for that date
Log Record
A LOGIN record displays the timestamp, User, and User’s IP address, and whether the login to the Web Interface was successful or not.
A LOGOUT record displays the timestamp and status of user logouts from the web interface.
A NAVIGATION record displays the timestamp, User, User’s IP Address, and the web page visited.
To execute a search on the audit log, perform the following steps:
- Press the Show Filter button
- Enter the desired value in the Search string field
- Press the Search button.
All instances of the search string will be highlighted in yellow in the log. The search string is case-sensitive.
To download the audit logs, press the Download button and choose the desired format: CSV, Spreadsheet, or PDF.