UCX Administration

Base Stations

The Base Stations page handles the configuration and management of DECT base stations. All registered base stations will be displayed in a table located here.

Adding Base Stations


A unique MAC Address must be entered when adding a base station.

  1. Navigate to PBX -> DECT page.
  2. From the Base Station page, click on Add Base Station.
  3. Provide a useful Description.
  4. Enter the MAC Address of the Base Station (NS0154).
  5. Click on Save button.

The Base Station page will list all the base stations and their statuses.

Other Actions

To delete the selected base stations, press the Delete button on the station table.

To delete all base stations on record, press the Delete All button on the station table.

LAN Synchronization

The LAN Synchronization page handles processing LAN Groups and the registration of base stations to these groups.


Creating a new LAN Synchronization Group requires the latest group to be fully set up with a Master Base Station.

LAN Synchronization Group

This section shows all LAN Synchronization Groups available for the UCX with the following details:

Field Description
LAN Synchronization Group Unique number associated with the LAN Synchronization group
Description Name of the specific LAN Synchronization group
Group Control IP IP address saved under the LAN Synchronization group for group control
Master Name of the master base station registered in the specific LAN Synchronization group
Backup Master-1 Name of the backup master-1 base station registered in the specific LAN Synchronization group
Backup Master-2 Name of the backup master-2 base station registered in the specific LAN Synchronization group
Other Base Stations List of names of all non-master base stations registered in the specific LAN Synchronization group
Expand the left navigation panel and select LAN Synchronization.

To edit a LAN Synchronization Group configuration, select the corresponding Edit link in the Action column.

The Master field is mandatory, the Backup Masters are optional.


The Handsets page handles the monitoring of DECT handsets recognized by the UCX.

Personal Identification Number

This section stores the 4-8 digit personal identification number used to view specific DECT handsets.

To edit and set this number, click the Personal Identification Number link.

Note: The default Personal Identification Number is set to 1234.

Handsets List

This section shows a list of DECT handsets currently visible to the UCX with the following items:

ExtensionXSTIM extension number of the DECT handset
Base Station MAC AddressMAC address of the DECT handset it is currently assigned to
IP AddressIP address of the DECT handset
TypeThe device name of the DECT handset
Handset AddressPhysical address of the DECT handset
RegionRecognized region of the specific DECT handset
