
UCX Administration
PBX – Call Recordings

This functionality is not supported on the Galaxy Mini hardware platform.

The Call Recordings page allows users to view and manage call recordings.  Based on their group membership, users get different viewing and/or management privileges.  The following table show requirements and user rights based on their group membership.

Requirements / Privileges
All Other Groups
Associated extension requiredNoNoYes
View all call recordingsYesYesNo
View call recordings for associated extension YesYesYes
Delete all call recordingsYesNoNo
Delete call recordings for associated extension YesYesYes

To view a list of call recordings, perform the following steps:

  1. Open UCX Administration
  2. From the PBX tab, select Call Recordings
  3. Press the Show Filter button to show filter options
  4. Enter the Start Date and End Date
  5. Optionally, you can enter also SourceDestination or Call Type in the Filter area
  6. Press the Show button to display calls recorded during the specified period that match the specified search parameters (if any)

Play Recording

To play a call recording, select the Listen link in the Action column.

To download a call recording, select the Download link in the Action column.

To download the details of the displayed call recordings, select the Download button on the menu bar to download list in CSV, Spreadsheet, or PDF format.

Delete Recording

To delete one or more recordings, select the checkbox on the left side of the desired recordings, press the Delete Checked button.

To delete all the recordings that match the filter, select the Delete All button.

You will receive a warning when deleting all recordings. 

Use this option with caution, recordings cannot be recovered once deleted.

Search Recording

To allow searching / filtering based on different criteria, a single call might be presented in the Call Recordings report more than once.  For example, if a call is routed to the queue 600 with the Recording Mode option set to “After Answered” and answered by the agent 221 after two minutes, the report would present the following three entries for the same call recording:

  1. An entry with the time when the call was received by the system and the destination 600 (the queue number)
  2. An entry with the time when the call was answered and the destination 600 (the queue number)
  3. An entry with the time when the call was answered and the destination 221 (the agent’s extension number)

This method ensures that each call recording is presented with all filter options and can be located either by the time when the call entered the system, by the time when the call was answered, by the intermediate destination (queue, ring group, etc.) or by the actual destination (e.g., the agent who answered the call).

For details on configuring Call Recordings, see Call Recording Options under Features.

Known Issues

Recording missing

In situations where Queue or Ring Group calls are being recorded and the call is not answered by an agent, the system will still show an entry under the Call Recordings page. However the entry will be listed as “Recording missing“. This is not an error, the entry can be ignored.
