
UCX Administration
Applications – Asterisk API

Asterisk API (aka Asterisk Manager API) is the Application Program Interface for/to the Asterisk Manager and allows for external systems to connect via TCP/IP to issue commands and read events. Common examples of usage include Dialers, CRM, Management Console and so on. See Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) for more details.

To add a Manager account, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PBX tab, select PBX Configuration
  2. From the left side column, under Applications, select Asterisk API

Manager nameName of the Manager account. No spaces are allowed.
Manager secretPassword for the Manager
DenyHere you define an IP Address/Subnet Mask Deny statement. If you wish to add more than one network, use the “&” character as a separator, for example:
PermitHere you define an IP Address/Subnet Mask Permit statement. You may define more than one network or device as with the Deny statement.
RightsYou may assign various read/write permissions to each Manager.
Read authorization permits you to receive asynchronous events, in general.
Write authorization permits you to send commands and get back responses.

systemGeneral information about the system and ability to run system management commands, such as Shutdown, Restart, and Reload.
callInformation about channels and ability to set information in a running channel.
logLogging information. Read-only.
verboseVerbose information. Read-only.
commandPermission to run CLI commands. Write-only.
agentInformation about queues and agents and ability to add queue members to a queue.
userPermission to send and receive UserEvent.
configAbility to read and write configuration files.
dtmfReceive DTMF events. Read-only.
reportingAbility to get information about the system.
cdrOutput of cdr_manager, if loaded. Read-only.
dialplanReceive NewExten and VarSet events. Read-only.
originatePermission to originate new calls. Write-only.
agiAGI events (New in R6.0)
ccCall Completion events (New in R6.0)
aocAdvice Of Charge events (New in R6.0)
securitySecurity messages as AMI events (New in R6.0)
messagePermission to send out of call messages. Write-only.
ALLCheck box to enable/disable permission for all rights listed.
