UCX Administration
Basic – Numbering Plan


The Numbering Plan page gives the administrator a quick overview of the extensions, conferences, paging and intercom, ring groups, parking lot and feature codes configured on your UCX. It also has filtering capabilities to allow the user to display only those extensions of interest.

To access the Numbering Plan page, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PBX tab, select PBX Configuration
  2. From the left side column, select Numbering Plan


  1. On the right side of the page, you can choose to display only specific items on the screen by selecting or de-selecting the checkboxes beside each item listed.
    In the example below, Conferences, Extensions and Ring Groups are selected.


  2. To reduce the number of extensions listed on the screen, you can use the Search box to search for extensions using Regex boundary constructs. There are three search criteria available:
    Search Criteria
    Search Exact ExtenSearch for an exact extension number, and if found, will be redirected to the configuration page of the given number.
    Search Bounded RegexSearch encloses the string between a ‘>^‘ and ‘$‘ (see Regex boundary constructs below)
    Search Unbounded RegexSearch is free form (see Regex boundary constructs below)
    For example 7\d\d will return all extensions of the form “7XX”
    Regex Boundary Construct
    ^Pattern has to appear at the beginning of the string
    $Pattern has to appear at the end of the string
    \dMatches single character that is a digit
    \wMatches alphanumeric character plus underscore
    \sMatches a white space character


  3. Every item listed on this page is also a link to the configuration page. You can click on any extension listed and it will bring you to the edit page for that item.
