UCX Administration
PBX – PBX Tools

Asterisk CLI

The Asterisk CLI page allows you to execute Asterisk commands.

To execute an Asterisk CLI command, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PBX tab, select PBX Tools
  2. From the left side column, select Asterisk CLI
  3. Enter the command you want to execute in the Command field
  4. Press the Execute button (or Enter) to execute the command.  The output is presented on the page.


You can use the command “help” to display a list of all available Asterisk CLI commands.

Reboot a Phone

To reboot a phone remotely during troubleshooting or to ensure it has downloaded the latest firmware and configuration data, you can enter the following text in the Command field:

ucx reboot peer 269

Note that the reboot peer xxx command can be used on XSTIM digital and IP phones.

Call Forwarding

To configure Call Forwarding All Calls on extension 221 and forward them to extension 269 you can enter the following text in the Command field:

database put CF 221 269

Show all phones with a Custom Context

To show all extensions that have been configured with a Custom Context

database showkey ccontext

After clicking Execute, the UCX will respond with a list similar to the following:


Show the time since the last Asterisk restart

To show the time since the Telephony process was last restarted.

core show uptime


The MDSE CLI page allows you to input MDSE commands and execute them.

To execute a MDSE command, preform the following steps:

  1. From the PBX tab, select PBX Tools
  2. From the left side column, select MDSE CLI
  3. Enter the command you want to execute in the Command field
  4. Press the Execute button (or Enter) to execute the command.  The output is presented on the page.

You can use the command “help” to display a list of all available MDSE CLI commands.

To get help for a specific command, enter the command “help :<command>, <n>” where <n> is the number of arguments that the command takes.
For example: “help :alarms, 0” or “help :fmver, 1”.

help  command, arityHelp for an individual command. For example: help :statu, 4
alarmsreturn a string of all active alarms
cardunits  loop, shelf, cardreturns the active card units
configshow the current configuration
config_mgcsget the list of configured mgcs
crashd  tncrash a device
devices  cabinetreturns devices for a given cabinet
disable_all_audit  cabinetdisable audit on all digital sets
disable_audit  tndisable digital set audit
disc  loop, shelf, carddisable card
disu  loop, shelf, card, unitdisable unit
dsp_active  cabinetDsps available for cabinet?
dsp_conn  cabinetreturns the dsp connection server pid
enable_all_audit  cabinetenable audit on all digital sets
enable_audit  tnenable digital set audit
enllsh  loop, shelfenable loop shelf
enlu  loop, shelf, card, unitenable unit
free_all_dtr_units  cabinet, tnfree all busy dtr units
free_all_tds_units  cabinet, tnfree all busy tds units
fwver  tnFirmware version
fwver  loop, shelfFirmware version of all units on a cabinet
fwver  loop, shelf, cardFirmware version of all units on a card
fwver  loop, shelf, card, unitFirmware version
get_busy_dsp  cabinetget list of busy dsp units from the tn_manager
get_busy_dtr  cabinetget list of busy dtr units from the tn_manager
get_busy_tds  cabinetget list of busy tds units from the tn_manager
get_busy_units  cabinetget list of busy units from the tn_manager
get_devices  itemget list of all devices for item [:tdm, :dset, :aset] with data
get_units  cabinetget list of units from the tn_manager by cabinet and type
hb_statc  cabinetshow status of an mgc hb state machine
hex  valueconvert to hex
idc  loop, shelf, cardprint card id
inittimereturn the mdse initialize time
inittime  tn_or_listreturns the device initialize time for a given packed tn
inittime  loop, shelfreturns the device initialize time for a given loop and shelf
inittime  loop, shelf, cardreturns the device initialize time for a given card
inittime  loop, shelf, card, unitreturns the device initialize time for a unpacked tn
is_traced  pidcheck if item is traced
iunistim  tn, decodedsimulate receiving a decoded unistim message to a device
log_catshow the current logging category levels
log_cat  categoryset the log category
log_category_listshow all log categories
log_clearreset the log levels back to their defaults
log_clear_cat  categoryclear a log category
log_levelget the current log level
log_level  levelset log level
log_showshow the logging levels
loopunits  loop, shelfreturns the active units on a cabinet
markWrite a default message to the logger
mark  messagewrite a mark message to the logger
mgc_status  cabinetreturns the status of mgc registration with UCX
pid  listreturns the pid of a list
pid  item, tnget pid of item [:device, :dset, :ssd_server]
pidd  tnreturns the pid of a device
pidtn  tnreturns the pid of a dsetsm
pidu  tnget pid of unistim client for a tn
print_alarmsprint current alarms
psm  tn_or_listprint state machine data for a given tn
psm  loop, shelf, card_listprint state machine data of a card
psm  loop, shelf, card, unit_listprint state machine data of a unit
psmaprint state machine data for all active sets
resetc  loop, shelf, cardreset card
ssd  tn, ssd2send a ssd message to the mgc
ssd_full  cabinet, ssds_or_listsend full 4 word  ssd message
ssd_server  cabinetget pid and state of an ssd server
stat_lshstatus of all cabinets
stat_lsh  cabinetstatus of specific cabinet by cabinet
stat_lsh  loop, shelfstatus of specific cabinet by loop and shelf
statc  loop, shelf, cardstat card
statcards  cabinetprint the status of install line cards
statcl  cabinetreturns the status of a cardlan server
statd  tnreturns the device sm status of a tn
statdsp  cabinetreturns the status of a dsp connection server
statmgcreturns the MgcManager state
statp  pidget the status of a process
stattn  tnreturns the dset status of a tn
statu  tnstatus of a unit
statu  loop, shelf, card, unitstatus of a unit
trace  pid_or_tnenable tracing
trace  loop, shelf, cardtrace phone for a given card
trace  loop, shelf, card, unittrace phone for a given card
trace_clearclear all traces
trace_clear  pid_or_listclear trace
trace_listreturn list of traces
tracing  enableenable/disable the tracing configuration
uptimereturn the mdse uptime
uptime  tn_or_listreturns the device uptime of a tn
uptime  loop, shelfreturns the device uptime for a loop and shelf
uptime  loop, shelf, cardreturns the device uptime of a given card
uptime  loop, shelf, card, unitreturns the device uptime of a unpacked tn

Configuration File Editor

The Configuration File Editor page allows you to edit UCX configuration files.

This page should be used only to edit custom files, or when instructed by E-MetroTel support personnel. Improper changes of configuration files can cause undesirable side effects. Due to that, we strongly recommend you use the Backup/Restore page to backup your system before using this tool to modify any of the configuration files.

To display and edit a configuration file, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PBX tab, select PBX Tools
  2. From the left side column, select Configuration File Editor
  3. Press the Show Filter button
  4. Enter a partial file name in the File field and press the Filter button (to limit the number of presented files)
  5. Press a link in the File Name column to open the corresponding configuration file

To end the file editing mode and return to the main page, select the << Back link.

To save changes made to the file, select the Save button.

To reload the configuration (apply configuration changes), select the Reload Configuration button. This operation does not restart the server.

Configuration File Editor Example

Activate the Built-in mini-HTTP server for Asterisk AMI use

This example shows the editing of the manager.conf file in order to activate the Builtin miniHTTP server that can be used in conjunction with the Asterisk AMI interface. The actual configuration settings to use the interface are managed in the PBX / Settings / Advanced Settings page which are described in Advanced Settings. However, in order to use the miniHTTP server it must be activated by editing the manager.conf file.

  1. Navigate to the PBX / PBX Tools page, select Configuration File Editor from the left-hand menu, click on Show Filter (steps 1 through 4 from above)
  2. Enter manager.conf  in the Filter field and click Filter
  3. Click on manager.conf  in the results list.
  4. Enter the text webenabled = yes at the bottom of the [general] section of the file.
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Reload Configuration

Text to Wav

The Text to Wav page is a text to speech conversion utility.

To convert text into an audio file, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PBX tab, select PBX Tools
  2. From the left side column, select Text to Wav
  3. Enter the desired text into the Text to Convert: text box
  4. Select the format for the audio file, using either wav or gsm radio button
  5. Press Generate Audio File to create the audio file.  The file will be saved in your browser’s default download folder.


The Festival page allows you to turn on or off the Festival service (Text-to-Speech engine).

To change the state of the Festival service, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PBX tab, select PBX Tools
  2. From the left side column, select Festival
  3. Use the Status slider to switch the service to the desired state

Enhanced Archive


Enhanced Archive is a licensed application. This page will not appear if your license does not include the application.

To configure the Enhanced Archive application, perform the following steps:

  1. From the PBX tab, select PBX Tools
  2. From the left side column, select Enhanced Archive
  3. In the Schedule field, the default value is Disabled, this setting indicates the Enhanced Archive is disabled
  4. To enable the Enhanced Archive application, select Hourly or Daily from the pull-down list
  5. If Daily is selected, you can select the Hour (in 24 hour time format) to perform the archive
  6. Enter the FTP Server IP Address, User ID and Password
  7. Press the Save button to complete the configuration

See Enhanced Archive Server for complete steps on setting up Enhanced Archive.

To check the status of the backups, perform the following steps: 

  1. Open UCX Administration
  2. From the Support tab, select System Log Files
  3. From the pull-down menu, select ucx_earchive.log

