UCX Administration
System Tools – Remote SMTP

The Remote SMTP Delivery page allows you to enable email services using a remote SMTP server when port 25 is blocked.

To configure the Remote SMTP server on your UCX system, perform the following steps:

  1. From the System tab, select System Tools
  2. From the Left Menu select Remote SMTP
  3. Update the fields as required
  4. Press the Save button to save the configuration changes

The fields required for the connection are:

StatusSelect ON/OFF to enable/disable connection to the SMTP server
SMTP ServerSelect the type of email server to use: Other, Aol, Gmail, Office365, Yahoo,
DomainDomain or Host name of the SMTP server
PortPort to establish connection with the SMTP Server
UserUser name of email account on the SMTP server
PasswordPassword of the email account on the SMTP server (if this account uses two-step authentication, you may need to request an App Password from your provider)
TLS EnabledCheck to enable authentication of certificates for Transport Layer Security.
Some SMTP servers like GMAIL require this certificate.



If you have issues using a Gmail account, please see this product notice: Email Relay Using Gmail Account Fails Due to Bad Credentials.

MX Lookup

When entering the Domain name, if the name is entered within brackets [ ], MX lookup is turned OFF. For some domains, it could be important to turn OFF MX lookup to make this SMTP feature work (i.e. the brackets are required for proper functionality).
