End User

System Directory

To make a call using the System Directory

Phone TypeStepsNotes
All phones1. Dial # .
2. Use the dialpad to enter the first 3 letters of either the first or last name of the person you want to call.
Check with your system administrator if feature code # is configured to access the default directory.
All phones1. Dial *411 .
2. Use the dialpad to enter the first 3 letters of either the first or last name of the person you want to call.
This will access the telephone directory automatically created by the system.
Nortel phones with Feature key1. Press the Feature key followed by feature code 960 .
2. Use the dialpad to enter the first 3 letters of either the first or last name of the person you want to call.
This is the same as dialing #.
Nortel IP phones1. Press the Directory key.
2. Use the dialpad to enter the first 3 letters of either the first or last name of the person you want to call.
This is the same as dialing #.
InfinityOne1. Click the Directory button.
2. Use the dialpad to enter the first 3 letters of either the first or last name of the person you want to call.

Phone Types​

InfinityOne with Directory button


Nortel IP Phone with Directory key


Nortel Digital Phone with Feature key

