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InfinityOne – Slash Commands

Slash ( /) commands are only available on the Browser interface only.

Some of the functions are accessed by typing slash / followed by the command in the message text box. To view a list of available commands, simply type a / as the first character in the input box and you can select from the list displayed. Here is a list of the available slash commands, although some of them require special permissions:

archive #channelArchive
call phone_number | @usernameCall a phone number or a user
create #channelCreate a new channel
gimme your message (optional)Displays ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ before your message
invite @usernameInvite one user to join this channel
invite-all-from #roomInvite all users from [#room] to join this channel
invite-all-to #roomInvite all users from this channel to join [#room]
join #channelJoin the given channel
kick @usernameRemove someone from the room
leaveLeave the current channel
lennyface your message (optional)Displays ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) after your message
mute @usernameMute someone in the room
open room_nameOpens a channel, group or direct message
partLeave the current channel
shrug your message (optional)Displays ¯\(ツ)/¯ after your message
tableflip your message (optional)Displays (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
topic topic_messageSet topic
unarchive #channelUnarchive
unflip your message (optional)Displays ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
unhide #channelUnhide a hidden channel
unmute @usernameUnmute someone in the room
