End User

Call Forward to Voicemail
To call forward incoming calls directly to your voicemail box.

To Call Forward All calls to Voicemail

Phone Type Steps Notes
Nortel phones with Feature key 1. Press the Feature key followed by feature code 984 .
All phones 1. Enable Call Forward All/Unconditional to the target number: #* + voicemail box number. For example, to forward to the voicemail box of extension 200, enter the value #*200. Note: The phone must allow special characers #* to be programmed in the target number.

To Cancel Call Forward to Voicemail

Phone Type Steps Notes
Nortel phones with Feature key 1. Press the Feature key followed by feature code #4 .
All phones 1. To disable Call Forward All/Uncondiional, dial *73 .
2. To disable all types of call forwarding, dial *74 .
