Accessing the InfinityOne interface from a Chrome browser is simple, and is supported on Mac, PC, and Linux platforms.
Both the Web Browser and Mobile client interfaces operate in a software environment that can be updated without any specific actions being taken by the user. Occasionally those changes lead to issues with the InfinityOne user interface, potentially causing issues such as loss of speech path (in either direction), changes to audible call alerting or other impacts to call handling or feature operation that is outside of E-MetroTel's immediate control. E-MetroTel makes every effort to update our software as quickly as possible when these planned or unexpected third party changes occur.
Connecting to the InfinityOne Server from a Web Browser
Server with SSL Certificate
To access the InfinityOne Web Browser interface, enter ‘ https:// ‘ followed by the hostname of the InfinityOne Server, then suffix with ‘ :21326/ ‘. For example: that as of InfinityOne Release 2, the port number used to access the InfinityOne server can be changed during the installation process. If your server is configured to allow support for the InfinityOne mobile application and uses SSL certificates, then you will be required to use the hostname and the port number provided by your System Administrator.
Server without SSL Certificate
Alternatively, for systems configured without an SSL Certificate, InfinityOne can be accessed via the IP address without the port number and appending a trailing ‘ /infinityone/ ‘.
For example:
After logging in, you will be directed to the Home page of the InfinityOne web interface.
If you were already logged in you will be taken to this page without requiring the previous log-in step.
From this page you can get an overview of InfinityOne and its features by exploring Helpful Links on this page.
To learn more on the functionality of the InfinityOne, refer to the InfinityOne – Quick Start Guide.
Install InfinityOne as an App
- Login to InfinityOne using the Chrome browser
- Click on the Chrome menu icon (3 dots on the top right of the browser)
- Move the mouse down to Cast, save and share, then select Install page as app…
- You will be prompted to add the app to Taskbar. Select Yes and a shortcut to InfinityOne will be created. You can now use this shortcut on the taskbar or desktop to launch InfinityOne as an independent browser app.