
InfinityOne – Removing Users

Deleting a user cannot be undone. Please read this section carefully before deciding whether to delete or deactivate a user account.


There are two methods to remove users. Users can either be deactivated or deleted. Care should be taken before deciding whether to deactivate or delete a user.

Deactivating a user

  • Prevents that user from any new activity associated with that user account such as logging in, getting room updates, viewing wallboards, or receiving email updates for new activity or mentions.
  • Preserves all material posted by that user. This allows important information contributed by that user to remain in each of the channels that the user participated in.
  • This is typically the preferred method of removing an employee account, particularly if that user was a knowledge worker and contributed to important company discussions and decisions.
  • A deactivated user account can be activated if desired.

Deleting a user 

This will immediately remove all records associated with that user account, including any messages posted by that user and is permanent.

Deactivating a User Account

Login using the administrator account.

Under Administration -> Accounts, select the user account to be disabled.


(Re) Activating a User Account

Login using the administrator account.

Under Administration -> Accounts, select the user account to be re-enabled.


Deleting a User Account

Login using the administrator account.

Under Administration -> Accounts, select the user account to be deleted.



Deleting a user cannot be undone.
