
Omnichannel – SMS Settings


To use SMS as a feed into the InfinityOne Omnichannel, you must acquire:

  1. One or more E-MetroTel SIP Trunks and associated DIDs assigned to the customer’s UCX serial number.
  2. Login credendtials for the Serial Number Records tool in the E-MetroTel Partner Portal in order to complete the configuration in the DID Inventory (Messaging Settings) of one or more of those DIDs to enable SMS support.

Configuring the Partner Portal SMS Settings

  1. Locate the Serial Number Record corresponding to the Serial Number of the UCX system.
  2. Click on the Serial Number link.
  3. Click on the Inventory link next to the Total DID field.
  4. In the list of DID numbers associated with this system, click on the Message Settings icon for each of the DIDs you want to add to Omnichannel and select Enable SMS.
  5. Complete the following details:


    1. In the Incoming SMS section select InfinityOne forwards incoming SMS to your InfinityOne
    2. In the Incoming SMS section add the URL associated with your system in the corresponding field.
    3. In the Outgoing SMS section select InfinityOne InfinityOne use for send SMS
  6. You can leave the other fields unchanged.

Configuring SMS settings

  1. In the Administration / Settings page, click on SMS:
  2. Click on +New
  3. Enter the Department (optional), Number (DID) (in the format of 11 digit DID string, i.e. 1 + ten-digit DID), Portal Username and Portal Password for the Partner Portal account where this UCX serial number is registered. Type is limited to E-MetroTel.
  4. If you are ready to begin using this interface, click Enabled, and then click Save.
  5. If you have not enabled the connector, then you will need to edit this item to enable it prior to using this Number (DID).
