
InfinityOne – Changing Network Parameters

After you have completed the Installation wizard, there may be a requirement to change the InfinityOne system IP Address, Host Name, or HTTP, HTTP, or Site port numbers. This may be due to changes in the customer network, or as a result of upgrading from Release 1.0 and having only configured an IP address rather than a site name.

Changing the Network parameters

  1. Log into the InfinityOne as an Administrator and access the Network parameters through the Administration / General settings page. Then select the drop-down box next to the Administrator’s avatar.
  2. Select General and click the Expand button next to Network (Requires a Service Restart)

  3. Change the Network parameters as required for the new network configuration. At any point you can undo a change by clicking on the Red Arrow button next to a modified entry.
Service HTTPS Port Number: The TCP port number used by InfinityOne for HTTPS connection. If you change this here, make sure you adjust any UCX based and/or customer based firewall to ensure traffic is passed. 

Site URL Host Name: The hostname/IP address used to access the InfinityOne server from the public network. In almost all cases this should be the same name as issued for the SSL certificate.

Site URL Port Number: The port number used in conjunction with the Site URL Host Name. This port should be forwarded from the customer’s router to the InfinityOne Server IP address, or if using an AWS server, this port should be included in the security settings to make sure it is not blocked.

Local Site URL Host Name: The local hostname or IP address used for scenarios where the customer router will not allow an internal device to communicate with another internal device via the router’s public internet address.

Local Site Port Number:  The port number to use in conjunction with the Local Site URL Host Name.

  1. After you have completed the changes, click the Save Changes button at the top of the page, or you may click Cancel to return to the originally configured settings.

Note that changes to these parameters will require a service restart to take effect. This will disconnect all desktop, browser, and mobile users and will drop any active InfinityOne calls. If you suspect that there may be active users, you may want to alert them using an @all! command (which immediately notifies all active users with a banner) and possibly an an @all command as well (which notifies all users as a standard message) in the General channel.
