
InfinityOne – FAQ for Administrators

What is the URL to access InfinityOne from a browser?

Beginning in Release 2 with Mobile device support, you must use https://<hostname>:21326. If you have decided to use a different public port number when you ran the InfinityOne Installation Wizard, use that one instead.
If you do not intend to support the mobile device interface, then you may use either the hostname or an IP address.

How do I add users to InfinityOne?

There are 3 methods to add users: Self-registration, by email invitation, or by the administrator.
See InfinityOne – Adding Users for details.

What if I forgot the administrator password?

It is recommended to setup one additional user as an administrator in case you forget and cannot recover the administrator password.

Do I need to have a Softphone for the “Phone Presence and Click to Call” feature to work?

No, a Softphone is not required. You can assign a regular extension to the user and the “Phone Presence and Click to Call” feature will still work when using the Browser or Desktop client interface.  The mobile client uses the extension configured on its softphone for Phone Presence and Click-to-Call capabilities.

Can users assign any extension to their InfinityOne account?

A user can only assign a number that has been authorized or allowed by the administrator for that user.

Is there any configuration required on the UCX Server prior to enabling Softphones for InfinityOne users?

Yes, see InfinityOne – Configuring UCX for InfinityOne for details.

Do I need a separate license for InfinityOne?

No, the InfinityOne application is included with UCX Software Release 6.0 and up.

Do I need additional extension licenses for Softphones?

If the softphone is configured with Hotdesking to an existing UCx extension it will not require a separate extension license regardless of interface used.
An extension license is required only if using the Softphone with a dedicated extension.

Can I log into InfinityOne on multiple InfinityOne user interfaces using the same User Account?

Yes, a user can log into any of the InfinityOne user interfaces (Browser, Mobile) with the same account credentials. (see next question)

Can I run InfinityOne from multiple web browsers at the same time?

InfinityOne currently supports only one PC-based interface login at a time for each user. Logging into a second interface logs the user out of the other interface.

Can I run InfinityOne from the InfinityOne Mobile interface and the  Browser interface at the same time?

Yes. The same user can be logged into a Mobile device application and the browser interface at the same time. However, the softphone cannot be configured with the same extension.  Either dedicated extensions (each using an extension license) must be assigned, or the user must use Hotdesking when connecting with one of the interfaces (thereby only using a single extension license).

Why do I require an SSL certificate to use the InfinityOne Mobile application?

This is a requirement Apple has placed on all iOS developers to enforce higher security levels in their applications. The Android client also requires the use of SSL certificates.

Are there any minimum operating system release requirements for the InfinityOne Mobile application?

For the iOS version of the InfinityOne Mobile client, the device must be operating iOS version 11 or higher. (Note the next release of the InfinityOne iOS client will require a minimum of iOS version 12.)

The Android client requires a minimum of Android 6 to run, although full integration of voice capabilities requires Android 9. A client running on Android 8 will have full access to the messaging and video components; while softphone functionality is supported, users will only receive incoming call notifications while the phone is unlocked and the app is running in the foreground. Conflicts between native Android voice calls and the InfinityOne audio path can occur.


E-MetroTel recommends that if a user is experiencing any issues with their mobile clients they should check the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to make sure thay are running the latest available client version for their device.

How many programmable keys are supported on the InfinityOne Mobile client?

For the iOS version of the InfinityOne Mobile client the maximum number of programmable keys is 12, including the line keys.
