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Set Relocation for Analog Station Modules

Prior to the software update released on January 31, 2018, set relocation can be used for analog station modules (ASM8 / GASM8) connected to the UCX Digital Gateway. See Relocation page for details.

After the software update released on January 31, 2018, set relocation for ASM8 and GASM8 is no longer supported. All identification of analog devices will be port-based.

If there are analog extensions assigned with Relocation enabled prior to the software update, these extensions must be re-associated with the ports after the software update.

To re-associate extensions to ports, perform the following steps:

  1. Open UCX Administration
  2. Navigate to the PBX -> PBX Configuration page
  3. From the left side column, select Extensions
  4. From the right side column, select the analog extension
  5. Under Device Options, use the MAC address pull down list box to select the corresponding port number for the extension
  6. Click the Submit button
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for all the analog extensions
  8. Click the Apply Config bar to commit the changes
