
InfinityOne – Softphone Controls

1. Introduction

The InfinityOne Softphone allows you to make and take calls directly within the InfinityOne user interface and it behaves similar to an E-MetroTel XSTIM or Nortel/Avaya IP (Unistim) phone This guide provides a description of how to use your InfinityOne Softphone. The InfinityOne Softphone is supported across a variety of personal computer and mobile device operating systems. InfinityOne has both a Browser and Mobile user interface that are recommended for full time telephony use. 

To obtain a list of supported features and usage, see XSTIM Phones User Guide.

2. Configuring the InfinityOne Softphone

Please see Enable and Register Softphone for details.

3. Device Settings

Browser Interface

You will need to connect the desired input and output audio devices to your computer to be used with the Softphone. You can use the computer’s built-in speakers and microphone or you can connect your own microphone and/or headset. Go to Icon Menu – Device Settings for a description of how to configure your input and output devices.


Only USB headsets are supported with the Browser InfinityOne Softphone. Bluetooth devices are currently not supported.

Mobile Interface

On the Mobile interface you will use the native mobile device capabilities for supported devices.


Wired and Bluetooth headsets are supported on the Mobile client. In-car entertainment/audio systems may produce unexpected results as they have proprietary mechanisms for managing multiple audio inputs and outputs to the car's entertainment system.

4. Softphone Controls and Buttons for Browser

Depending on the theme selected for the softphone, the colour and layout may be different, but the control/button icons will be consistent across all themes.
With the Compact theme, all buttons are displayed on one page, there is no SHIFT key. With the Legacy theme, use the SHIFT key to access additional controls and buttons.

  • Compact             Legacy Name Description
      Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) The red button turns ON when there is a new voice message.
      Message Waiting Indicator for General Voicemail box The blue button turns ON when there is a new voice message in the general voicemail box. (See Voicemail Message Indicator on how to configure a general voicemail box.)
    The button also flashes when the client is initializing.
          Volume control Click on the UP/DOWN arrow or the LEFT_Side/RIGHT_Side of the icon to increase/decrease the volume.
          Mute To MUTE/UNMUTE the call. When MUTE is on in Legacy mode, the light beside the icon is turned ON. In Compact Mode the icon turns red when active.
          Hangup To disconnect a call.
          Handsfree To make or accept a call on handsfree. Can also be used to switch between handsfree and headset.
    In Legacy Mode, the indicator beside the icon turns red when active, while in Compact Mode the icon turns red when active.
          Headset To make or accept a call on headset. You need to first configure a headset to be used with the client before this button can be used.
    Can also be used to switch between handsfree and headset. In Legacy mode, the indicator beside the icon turns red when active, while in Compact mode the icon turns red when active.
          Hold Used during a call to place the call ON and OFF hold.
          Message To access voicemail box for this user.
          Record Used during a call to turn recording ON/OFF.
          Directory To access the system directory.
    Services To access the list of UCX features that can be invoked.
          History To show the history of Missed, Received and Placed calls.
    Shift To toggle the interface to display additional buttons and controls.
    This key is not available when using Compact mode.
    Dialpad To toggle the interface to display the dialpad.
    This key is not available when using Compact mode
    Cancel To cancel out of an operation.
    This key is not available when using Compact mode
    InfinityOne_Navigation_Legacy.png Navigation pad Use the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys to navigate through menu selections and the center ENTER key to select.
    This key is not available when using Compact mode.
    Portal This key is not supported in Compact mode.
    Soft key There are 4 softkeys available and the functions provided will depend on what is configured by the administrator and the call state.
    Programmable key The number of programmable keys displayed will depend on the number of keys configured under Client Settings. The number of keys supported range from 6 to 120.
    Dial pad keys You can click on the dial pad keys to dial, or you can use the computer keyboard to dial numbers. Pressing the <RETURN> key on the computer keyboard simulates the # key on the dial pad.

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    You can access some of the functions via keyboard shortcuts on the Browser interface. The table below provides a list of the shortcut keys.

    Key Function
    *,# Digits *,#
    0-9 Digits 0-9
    ctrl 0-9 Programmable key 0-9
    F1-F4 Softkey 1-4
    Backspace Softkey “BackSpc”
    Esc Erase or Cancel
    d Device Settings
    r Release call
    s Client Settings

    5. Softphone Buttons and Controls for Mobile Interface

    Mobile Icon Name Description
    iPhoneRedIndicator.png Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) The red button turns ON when there is a new voice message.
    iPhoneBlueIndicator.png Message Waiting Indicator for General Voicemail box The blue button turns ON when there is a new voice message in the general voicemail box. (See Voicemail Message Indicator on how to configure a general voicemail box.)
    Not applicable Volume control Use volume control buttons native to the mobile device.
    Mute To MUTE/UNMUTE the call. When MUTE is active the icon turns red.
    Hangup To disconnect a call.
    Handsfree To make or accept a call on handsfree. Also used to switch between front speaker and rear speaker. The icon turns red when active.
     iPhoneSpeakerOutputControl.png Headset To make or accept a call on headset. Can also be used to switch between handsfree and headset.
    It also enables selecting Bluetooth headsets. The icon turns red when active.
    Hold Used during a call to place the call ON and OFF hold.
    iPhoneVoicemail.png Message To access voicemail box for this user.
    iPhoneRecord.png Record Used during a call to turn recording ON/OFF.
    iPhoneDirectory_0.png Directory To access the system directory.
    iPhoneFeatureKey.png Services To access the list of UCX features that can be invoked.
    iPhoneCallLog.png History/Call Log To show the history of Missed, Received and Placed calls.
    iPhoneElipsesNormal.pngiPhoneElipsesShifted.png Shift To toggle the interface to display additional buttons and controls. The icon turns red when the additional buttons and controls are active.
    Soft key There are 4 soft keys available and the functions provided will depend on what is configured by the administrator and the call state.
    iPhoneLineKey.png Programmable key The number of programmable keys displayed will depend on the number of keys configured under Client Settings. The number of keys supported range from 6 to 120.
